Neck Collar Shirts

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I don't think I consider myself


Or maybe, Since I am so horrible

A monster.

That's exactly what I am.

A beast of my own shadows,

They lurk.

Each day seems just like a facade

Imaginary to the finest detail.

It's like everytime I breathe...

I can't seem to let it release.

Like each time I inhale it just adds pressure,

To whatever is inside of me.

I can't cut it out.

Each scar can open and scream.

I want to bleed. I want the adrenaline.

A slice to my delicate throat.

The swift kiss of silver,

And the sweet after taste of gold.

My life on the line, my pulse gushing.

Ready to explode.

I hold my mouth shut.

Because it won't stop. And that's okay

I am okay.

I opened my throat to breathe

I opened my throat to scream

I opened my wrists to feel

To know

I am not imaginary

I am real

What I feel is what I deserve to feel

To suffer

Or ....Just maybe...

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now