Airplane and shooting stars

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Things are written on some

Some doodle

Some reminders, of what tomorrow brings

Some take notes

Important, so it seems

Some throw away whats not needed

Some don't count this as important.

I am a sheet of paper

An experiment, "best of both worlds"

As they said

He took my hand, he wrote on it


I laughed, not out of the moment

Out of pure knowledge of this lie

"You're a boy in a girls body. Perfect!"

He exclaimed.

And before i knew it. I was being tossed away

I thought in your eyes i was perfect

I changed for you

I molded myself into a paper airplane

That apparently flew circles around you

Not knowing whats inside the inside fold of my head

The secret note

You never read

Some crash

Some soar

Some crumple

Some never take off

I am a piece of paper

An experiment

That's all I will ever be to someone

Like you

Because of someone like me

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