Front Porch Step

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In the quiet realm where whispers sway,
A room adorned in hues of gentle gray.
A jester's dance within my restless mind,
An unspoken yearning, subtly confined.

The tea grows colder, yet the kettle hums,
Awaiting footsteps, a melody that strums.
A jester's grin, a playful tease,
Hints at desires, wrapped in unease.

The open door, a subtle invitation,
A shy anticipation, a secret elation.
In the tapestry of silence, a whimsical show,
A jester's presence, a heart's ebb and flow.

Hesitant glances, a flicker of desire,
Awaiting a jester's unexpected attire.
Footsteps of whimsy, a dance in the air,
A shy hello whispered, a subtle affair.

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now