Chestnuts Roasting

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I'll never forget it
Turning into the small road
Kept close by broken up concreate
And dirty snow.
The cold smell of air
Just simple air before turning yet
Another corner,
And the instant scent of heavy smoke
Filled my lungs
The sight of dark grey ashes falling around me like snow
And the red flames pulsating rapidly with its yellows and dark oranges
That screams replace the crackle of the roaring flame.
The men in bright yellow running scattered as the flame grows larger
And thats when it hit me
The strong winds blowing what I could only wish was the smell of a cooking recipe gone wrong in the oven.
But the screams faded behind the black smaug
The sound of sizzling and large cracks of bones
The hours seemed like days and every minute that passed seemed so far from seconds
The loud sirens came from down the block
The block that looked so white
So cold, the smell of air seemed like memory
Compared to the overwhelming, putrid smell of the burning flesh of my mother and father
The now small sizzling and charred bodies being lugged out like unwanted parts of a house.
Runny eggs for eyes and hollowed out chests
Mum I swear was missing an arm
The same one dad placed his promise of love
The same one that held a book as I fell asleep
The same one that started holding bottles, Cigarettes, needles,
The same one that smacked me across my face
I'll never forget that crazed look on my face
When I looked into the reflection of the smoke
And saw me smiling as my eyes resembled red ambers
A smile that could burn for days
I'll never forget that day
Until I forget

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now