I miss the heights

4 0 0

I felt the earth below my feet fall.

It was a low roar that echoed from inside,

Creeped out and invited in something unwanted.

Another demon for me to hide.

It smiled wide at me as it dove inside.

I squirmed, and danced like its puppet.

I can still feel it moving; Bugs underneath my arms.

The constant tickling of the unknown,

My fingers itch to find the source,

Waiting in anticipation, to see who it is.

What is this next date I have to endure?

I know how it ends.

With me on the tiled floors.

White to red.

Loud to quiet.

Those voices sing; Their siren song.

Hushed lullabies that send me off into the unknowns arms to be held onto tight.

Thats when I'll hear its name.

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now