Chapter 13

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-Author Notes
You know the deal this chapter is base on the video above as I didn't know how to change much in this early on in this story. Don't worry thw more we go on in this book the more the chapters will be less like the videos. Also I am going to post the video above just incase anyone is new here or just want to watch it. Tell me if I should keep doing this or not. Also I am only going to post the video if the chapter is going to be almost completely the same as the video. Enjoy the chapter 😁

*Previously with Xylo, Mario, and Kayla Bear*
*at the incinerator room*

"Are you sure there is isn't another way he saved us I just don't want to see him die." I said.

"There is no other way Kayla Bear, Mario go under the incinerator." Xylo said as Mario entered the room and went under the incinerator.

"I'm ready fire it." Mario said.

*3rd P.O.V*
After Mario said that Xylo pressed the buttion Mario gave a little wave and died. After he died Xylo and Kayla then ran back to where Mario and Kayla Bears rooms are for safety.
*Previously Ends On to the Chapter*

*Xylo P.O.V*
At the room I started to paste back and fourth.

"I can't believe he's gone." Kayla bear said sadly as she was looking down as she sat on the couch in the common area between her and Mario's rooms.

"I mean I suppose but I wouldn't be to worry about it." I said to her not caring about Mario's death because I knew he will be just fine.

"How can you be so inconsiderate with his death. Mario saved us and died are your just ok with that." Kayla bear said as she got up from the couch and looked at Xylo angerly.

"Well yeah he did saved us but what the big deal." I said.

"The big deal are you serious Xylo we burned him alive and your just ok with that." Kayla bear said.

"Well yeah I mean it probably wasn't pleasant for him bit you he-" I was cut off before I could finish.

"Well I didn't think burning some on alive is pleasant." Kayla bear yelled at me clearly up set with Mario's death for some reason.

"Well it was standard protrol call." I said to her.

"Are you serous do you even have a heart like you can't seriously just be ok with this right now." Kayla bear said clearly heark broken.

"I dont see whats the big deal is I mean you know he will be alright. I mean what do you expect me to do? Let him contaminate us?" I asked.

"I mean I just thought you were better than that I mean we could of help him with medicine or something." Kayla bear said.

"I mean their were probably a cure for this but that would be more expensive than a couple gallons of gasoline." I said as I looked behind her seeing Mario coming out of his room completely find.

"Are you actually serious you just murdered somebody." Kayla bear said.

"Whoa I didn't I mean I didn't really murder somebody but he is completely find look to see for yourself." I said as I pointed behind her which caused her to turn.

"W-wait!?" Kayla bear said looking completely shock to see Mario was completely find right their infront of her.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Mario asked.

"But you, we, some one explain." Kayla bear said.

"I thought I already told you already I am an immortal dummy, I can't die. I told you this like 3 times. I meet Jonathan in the afterlifr than he tells me that its not my time that boop i'm here." Mario said.

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