Chapter 20

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"Come on Devin we need to go Bryan will be fine we will meet him up in the next floor don't you trust him?" Kayla bear asked.

I do trust him its just I don't want to lose him again I thought before looking down at the teddy bears.

"Fine but you better be right" I said before we headed to where the stair case was.

Once we ran up the stair case there were two doors.

"Which way do we go?" I asked.

"Lets go left" Kayla bear said before we headed to the left side.
*Previously Ends on to the Chapter*

*Devin P.O.V*
Once we enter the door to the left I notice that the hallway looked normal with no new changements like that I have seen in a couple of the floors. I also notice that I am in the need of water as I feel like I was some what drying up.

"So Xylo bear when this is all and over does this mean I could be let out of my cell more?" Kayla bear asked out of no ware as we started walking to explore this floor.

"I don't know Kayla bear maybe. It will just depend on how all if this turn out." Xylo bear replied.

As we kept walking I notice I came more and more dehydrated as I have right about to reach my limit before my axolotl features reappear and I start to suffocate.

"G-Guys" I said in a raspy voice as I stop walking to get there attention.

They both stop walking and turned to me.

"I-I am starting to fe-feel a bit dried up do you know where I can fine water Xylo bear?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"Hmm I believe that there is a water dispenser in one of the rooms on this floor. Are you hitting your limit?" Xylo bear asked and he took out a piece of paper and started to write on it.

"Ye-yes I am do you know which room have the dispenser?" I asked feeling more tired and more tired as time went on.

"No but we can look around for it." Xylo bear said.

After he said that we started to explore the floor to find some kind of water dispenser.

As we explore more we notices blood stains on the floor and on the walls as we went further into the floor.

"Ew its every where what scp can cause this much blood?" Kayla bear asked.

"I don't know but- Everyone quick put your heads down and look at the floor." Xylo bear said and we did as we were told.

"Why are we doing this?" I asked.

"I just realise what floor we were on and-" before Xylo bear can finish what he was saying from the corner on my eye I say something white and I focus my eyes to the floor.

Not to long after we heard footsteps walking away from us indicating that the creature or whatever had walk away.

"What was that?" Kayla bear asked.

"That's scp 096 or otherwise known as shy guy. Just don't look at him and ever thing will be find." Xylo bear said as he walked up to me. "Hey Devin do you mine crouching?" he asked.

I crouch down to his level and the second I do his little stuff hands grab my left sleeve of my jacket and pulled it off. This caused me to push the teddy bear back grabbing my piece of ribbed clothing from him and standing up.

"What was that for?" I asked angrily.

"Well we need blindfold in order to help our or at least mine or Kayla bears chances of living anyway." Xylo bear said.

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