Chapter 21

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A week passed in which most classes were cancelled to allow every student to recover from the sports festival. It was mostly meant for those who reached the last round, which always was a tournament and thanks to that resulted in multiple injured students.

Now everyone from Class 1-A had settled back into their classroom. Most of them were happily chatting, mainly about how they were noticed and recognized by random people on the streets.

Momo: "I am glad to see that you already got a new leg Y/n."

Y/n: "Mei outdid herself once again. However I still wish it would not hurt so much while attaching."

Jiro: "How does that feel like?" The girl asked interested.

Y/n: "Well imagine someone cutting through your leg and then pull on the nerves, attaching them to some cables." The two girls shuddered in disgust. "Should I go and talk to Iida?" Y/n suddenly asked, looking towards said boy. It was clear whatever the family problem was that had caused Iidas early departure from the sports festival was something serious.

Normaly Iida always had a great sitting posture, his head held high, shoulder square and back straight. Now however he sat slouched, his shoulders sagging and his head lowered as he glared at his desk.

Momo: "I saw Midoriya talking to him earlier, it is not really our business but Iida knows that he can always come to us for help." Y/n hesitantly nodded before going back to his seat. Not a moment to early as Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: "Get seated and dont waste my time." Everyone quickly went to their seats. "Good, now I am too lazy to go through this one by one so hear you can see the amount of Workplace offers." He activated a projection of the class ranking showing how many offers everyone recieved. Surprisingly Y/n was only in 11th place with a bit over a hundred offers with Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya being in the top three all with more than a thousand offers.

Bakugo: "HA suck it Kurokage!"

Kaminari: "How come Kurokage only got so few offers?"

Y/n: "Probably because my Quirk is not flashy enough for the Pro-Heroes and I doubt me having been 'gifted' the first place also had some effect." Some of his classmates agreed with his assessment. It was a well known fact that a lot of people nowadays only judged heroes by how flashy or powerful their Quirks are.

Aizawa: "For those who have not received any offers there will be a list of prepared offers on my desk. Everyone else you will be given a print out of your offers in a bit, today we will focus on the preparations for your Work Studies. The first thing will be..." He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a crumbled card that said 'Codenames' "choosing your Codenames or Hero Names whatever you want to call it. This is luckily not my problem. Get in here Midnight and let me nap already." The Heroine strutted in and struck a pose at the front.

Midnight: "Hero Names are not just used to protect your private life but also as a calling card. People will know you mostly by this name so you better choose something you are willing to stick with till the end of you career. Now each of you grab a blackboard and lets get to brainstorming."

It did not really take all to long till the first students began to present their ideas. First was Aoyama who choose 'The Sparkling Hero: I can not stop twinkling!' which quickly got rejected and changed to 'The Sparkling Hero: Can't stop twinkling' not much better in Y/n oppinion but he once met a hero called 'The Fusion Reptile Hero: Gagagigi Gogiga Gagagigo' so its not the worst.

Next was Asui who choose 'The Rainy Season Hero: Froppy' which her classmates quickly took a liking to.

One by one the students presented their choices. Some were good, some not so much. Bakugo in true Bakugo fashion wanted to be called 'The Strongest Hero: King Explosion Murder' and after getting denied 'The Best Hero: Lord Explosion Murder'. In the end he was forced to take 'The Explosion Hero: Dynamight' by Midnight. Two students had not felt ready to choose their names so for the time being they simply used their first names as their alias.

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