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Sage had a bad dream then it began to rain and thunder and lightning hard and Vincent came in and he stroked her hair gently and rocked her softly so she would fall back asleep and she calmed down and the rain and thunder stopped. He sighed softly and looked at Sage and then looked in the other room where Maya was and he went over to her and he laid down next to her and wrapped his tail around hers gently and he fell asleep.

In the morning Sage went into the living room next to her dad and she sat down next to him and put her head on his shoulder and she looked at his distended belly then she looked at him .

"Where's Hope ?" She said looking at him .

" sleeping in the other room." Vincent said softly

"Oh ok ." She said softly. It was sunny outside then it became gloomy and he looked up then looked at her  .

"Sorry ." She said looking at him trying to be happy and hide her sadness .

"Hey it's ok you don't have to hide it ,it's ok I know it's hard to control this ." He said softly looking at her .

It began raining and he looked at her then it began to thunder and there was a noise and it scared them both and it began to thunder harder and rain louder he looked at Sage .

"Sage stop it !" He said looking at her angry.

She looked at him then it went quiet everything stopped. She wanted to cry but she couldn't.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm sorry ." She said looking at him sadly .

He sighed softly,he didn't mean to yell at her she couldn't control it . He went over to her and hugged her tightly and wrapped his tail around hers gently and kissed her on the head gently .

Hope came in and saw them and she looked at her sister annoyed cause she knew she had something to do with that crazy weather.

She went back to her room and she sighed softly.

Sage went hunting but while she was there she saw some people swimming by but as soon  as they saw her they quickly turned around and swam away quickly and she looked at them sadly. She knew everyone was afraid of her even before she was born and she had no friends except for her dad . She felt closer to him then with her mother .

She sighed softly and went back home and it began to rain a little bit and she told her father about what happened. He looked at her softly then held his stomach tightly and groaned softly .

"Dad what's wrong?" She said looking at him .

"I think I'm having contractions." He said looking at his stomach then groaned softly.

Then something happened someone came in and made them both fall asleep when they woke up they were in a different cave and Sage saw someone over her dad and she looked at them.

"What are you doing to him ?!" She said looking at him . It started thundering.

Then he was pinned against the wall she picked up the knife using her magic. He looked at her scared.

"It's you ! You're his kid !" He said looking at her scared .

"You know me ?" Sage said looking at him confused.

"Almost everyone in the ocean knows about you ."

She then picked up the knife and put it to his throat without touching it . He looked at her.

" this is chaos magic,dark magic child you're not suppose to exist." He said looking at her.

" well then I might just be the most powerful person in the ocean." She said looking at him . It continued to thunder .

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