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3 days later

Vincent was in the garden when Maya came in and he turned around and smiled softly and she came up to him and wrapped her tail around his tail gently.

"Hi ." Maya said softly.

"Hi there guess what?" Vincent said smiling softly.

"What?" Maya said looking at him .

"I found out what it is ." Vincent said softly.

"You did? What is it ?" Maya said looking at him desperately.

"It's a girl ." Vincent said overjoyed.

Maya's face lit up and she smiled softly , she was on cloud 9 right now.

Maya hugged him tightly and wrapped her tail around his tail gently.

"Oh that's wonderful." She said softly.

Maya kissed him and held his face with her hands as she did it and Vincent laughed softly.

2 days later

The baby was fast growing and she understood everything that was happening outside the pouch and she could even communicate with her parents through mind . She could hear and hear everything clearly and she had photographic memory.

One day Vincent was sitting on his bed and Maya came in and her eyes instantly dropped to Vincent's belly which was gently bulged out softly along with some of his tail underneath it and she cleared her throat and Vincent was looking down at the floor then he looked up and smiled softly.

"Hi there." He said softly .

"Vincent darling have you noticed any um changes in your appearance lately?" Maya said carefully going over to him.

"I was actually going to tell you about that." Vincent said laughing nervously and played with his fingers a little bit. "I think the baby is fast growing."

"Hmm ya think ." Maya said crossing her arms. "How did this happen?"

"I have no idea ." Vincent said putting his hands up in a sorta "I'm innocent" gesture towards Maya .

Maya went over and put her hand on the side of Vincent's belly and she started talking to the baby through mind and the baby could understand everything her mother was saying to her.

Maya took her hand off and smiled softly knowing that her daughter could understand her .

They both smiled softly as they could hear the baby's heartbeat and thoughts.

Vincent was concerned about the baby and he was in his room and the room started to shake and it began to rain softly.

Vincent managed to calm down and it was sunny outside and he smiled softly.

One day he was sitting on his bed with his hand gently on his stomach and he looked at it and decided to try and talk to the baby . He was hesitant about it cause he didn't know what to say.

"Hi honey it's me your father and you are inside my pouch and you have been in there for a week now and I learned something interesting about you and when you are older I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me or your mom about anything ok ? Cause you can talk to us about anything and I can't wait to meet you and I love you ." He said softly looking at his stomach.

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