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One day Sage was in her room when she heard a knock on the front door, she got up and went to go open it and saw a woman standing there.

"Hi uh is your father home? I need to speak with him it's very important." The woman said urging her.

"Oh yeah hold on." Sage said she quickly got her dad.

"You. Get out now! Leave I warned you of what would happen if you ever came back. I'm not your friend and I'm not Charles." Vincent said looking at the woman angry before slamming the door in her face.

"Who was that?" Sage asked him confused as to why he did that.

"No one." Vincent said looking at her before swimming away.

The woman left and went away, she went to the surface and there were people waiting for her.

"It didn't work he's gone." She said softly.

"No we are going to get him back one way or another, I know Charles is still in there. I'm not giving up damn it!" Erik said sternly.

They all looked at him and he sighed softly.

Then a woman came over to them.

"I can help you guys bring him back." The woman said softly.

"Oh yeah and who are you?" Mystic said sternly.

"Someone special." The woman said before snapping her fingers and they all fell to the ground.

Sage woke up in a room and she looked around worried, she looked down at herself and saw she had legs and pants on and she had cuffs on.

Then hank came in and she looked up at him.

"Who are you? Where am I? What have you done ? Where's my father?" Sage asked him panicking.

"Easy it's ok you are safe and so is your father and your mother." Hank said calmly as he walked over to her.

"Where's my dad?!" Sage asked him, she didn't trust him. Her father had taught her not to go near or even trust humans.

"He's in the other room, we just need to bring our friend back and then you and him can leave I promise." Hank said looking at sage, he leaned in to touch her hand but she quickly pulled it away.

Hank looked at her before getting up and leaving. After some time they were able to get Charles back but it was a split personality between him and Vincent, but they were happy to have Charles somewhat back.

Hank brought him to sage and he took off her cuffs and sage hugged her father tightly. After that they left but they promised they would be back.

"Dad?" Sage asked as they returned home.

"Hmm?" Vincent replied.

"Why can't we stay up there, on land?" Sage asked him.

Vincent sighed softly. "It's too dangerous and I don't trust humans, they can kill us. I've taught you that sage." Vincent said sternly.

"I know but I was just curious." Sage said a bit quietly.

The rest of the way home was silent and Maya was waiting for them as they got home.

"Oh I've missed you both I was so worried." Maya said as she hugged Vincent tightly and wrapped her tail around his gently.

"I'll explain later." Vincent said as he hugged her back.

Sage looked at her parents sadly a bit before swimming to her room.

After that sage went hunting and when she came back she read for a bit.

"Sage we need to talk about what happened?" Vincent said coming into her room.

"Why did they know who you were? What did you do to them that was so bad?" Sage asked him.

Vincent sighed softly and sat down on her bed next to her.

"I left them because I wasn't happy and I was afraid I would never be happy again. That caused them to come looking for me." Vincent explained to her as she looked at him a bit confused.

"But you've taught me that humans were dangerous and that they can kill us." Sage said looking at him.

Vincent sighed softly and looked at her. He stroked her hair gently.

"Go to sleep, it will all be over soon I promise." Vincent said as he kissed the top of her head and sage laid down in her bed and Vincent stroked her hair gently and she fell asleep.

Then he picked her up and took her, faith and Maya back to the compound where the x men were and Vincent talked with them alone.

Maya stayed with the girls and saw them sleeping and she smiled weakly.

"I have considered it and thought about it, and I have decided that I will stay with you but none of you will touch my family." Vincent said sternly looking at them all.

"Ok we promise we won't hurt them." Hank said calmly.

"Good." Vincent said looking at them before leaving the room.

They all looked at him as he left.

"Well at least we got him back sorta." Mystic said softly.

"Yup let's see how this goes." Logan said as he walked out of the room.

After a while faith woke up and looked over saw that sage was still asleep and she got up and looked down at herself, she saw she had human legs and she started to panic then the whole room shook and sage quickly woke up and look at faith and went over to her.

"Sage what's happening?! Where are we and where's mom and dad at?" Faith said still panicking.

"It's ok I'm here it's ok I don't know where they are but you have to calm down or else they are gonna come in here." Sage said calmly and carefully as she went over to faith and took her hands.

Faith slowly calmed down and the room went silent. Hank came in and sage looked at him scared and confused so did faith.

"It's ok I'm not going to hurt you guys, your father wanted me to come see if you guys were ok." Hank said calmly.

"We're fine now leave us alone." Sage said looking at him.

"Hank." Vincent said sternly as he came into the room. "What did I tell you?"

"I didn't touch them I was just checking on them like you asked Charles." Hank said carefully.

Vincent looked at him angrily and crossed his arms.

"I mean vincent." Hank said softly.

"Go I will handle this." Vincent said looking at him.

Hank walked out of the room and sage and faith ran up to Vincent and hugged him tightly.

"Why are we here dad?" Sage asked him confused.

"I wanna go home." Faith said as she stared to cry and it started to rain outside.

"Shh it's ok we'll go home soon I promise." Vincent said softly as he calmed them down.

Maya came in and saw them and sighed softly, Vincent looked at her then at the girls.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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