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One night Vincent was sleeping when Sage quietly and quickly came into the room and she looked at him sleeping and then looked back and she went over to the wall. "Invisequa." She whispered softly and the whole castle was invisible and she heard a voice then another after that .

"Where is it ? It was right here ?" Said the first voice.

"I don't know but find it and make her pay for what she did ."'said the other voice then they faded away.

She didn't want to wake up her dad but most importantly she didn't want to tell him what she did , but she knew she had to.

She groaned softly.

"Dad? Dad? Wake up, dad? Wake up ." She said gently shaking him to wake him up.

He groaned and turned over to look at her weakly.

"What is it hope?" He said tired .

"Sage and I did something , something that you're not going to like ." She said looking at him awkwardly.

He groaned and fully woke up and looked at her .

"What did you do ?" Vincent said looking at her curious and a little angry .

"Well I -" she said looking at him awkwardly.

24 hours earlier

Sage was swimming and she saw her dad in the garden area and she went up behind him and she looked at him.

"Boo!" She shouted at him .

He jumped and his magic started to frizz and a piece of the wall crumbled a little bit and Sage looked at it then looked at him then looked at the wall again and he turned around and looked at her not surprised at that point.

"Oh it's you again why do you like to do that to me ? You know my powers are unstable." He said looking at her annoyed and raised his eyebrow.

"Cause it's fun and I don't have anything else to say really." She said looking at him a little sadly then looked down then back at him and smiled nervously.

"Hmm You're lucky I can't put you in timeout." He said crossing his arms.

"Dad!" She protested "I'm too old for timeout "

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to scare me , now you can either go in your room or go somewhere." He said looking at her angry.

She grumbled and decided to just go to her room .

"I might forget about this and not ground you for a month." He said looking at her.

She looked at him sadly then looked down and looked at him.

"And you woke your brothers up." He said looking at her angry and sighed deeply annoyed.

"Sorry." She said looking at him.

Then she went to her room and she sighed softly and just laid on her bed .

After a while she went hunting and she saw a man who was coming up to her and she panicked and before she could do anything the man grabbed her and she looked at him and he looked at her angry that she was in his territory.

He tried to bit her but she blocked him and he looked at her angry .

"Stop squirming." He said looking at her trying to stop her from hitting him .

"Invidia." She whispered softly and he started choking and he let go of her.

He looked at her.

"Patere." She said putting her hand in front of her and he flew back far enough to where he got stabbed by a spear that was left sticking out of the ground.

Shh, it's a secret Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang