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May 2nd , 2012

"Tahlia ?"

"Did you miss me ?" She said wickedly smiling.

"What am I doing here ? Vincent said looking at her panicking.

"Well I assumed you heard about what I'm going to do to your daughter after she is born ?" She said looking at him .

Then it started raining and thundering and she looked at him aggravated. He looked at her ,there was 3 other people in the cave with her and she looked at him smiling softly and she had something in her hand it was sharp. James didn't know what it was but he was scared and he struggled but the other two held him down , he looked at them annoyed.

"I have you in magic resistant chains so you can't do magic." Tahlia said looking at him and held up a dagger .

"what are you going to do with that ?" He said looking at her scared for his life and the baby's live .

"You have two choices,either I can cut you open and kill her or two ,when she is born I can just take her from you and kill her." She said looking at him wickedly.

He looked at her frustrated "you will not take my baby I will kill you !" He said looking at Tahlia .

"Oh you're so moody when you are pregnant aren't you?" She said looking at him .

He was taken aback a little bit , he looked at her irritated .

"I'm not even going to have her yet, it's too soon ." He said looking at her."so you can't take her and you're not going to touch her."

"Hmm I think I can ." She said looking at him grinning then she put her hand out and closed her eyes and started chanting a spell ,he then groaned softly and winced. She looked at him as she finished the spell .

"What did you do ?" He said groaning softly in agony .

"I sped up the process a little bit." She said smiling softly.

She came closer to him and then he got up and grabbed the spear out of her hands and then he attacked the other two people and he turned around and pointed the spear at Tahlia .

"Man you are really tough and hardcore huh ?" She said looking at him .

"If it means protecting my daughter from you then yes !" He said looking at her pissed  . "Now let me go and leave my daughter alone ."

She laughed softly. "You're forgetting I'm a witch right ?"

"I'm also a witch ." Vincent shot back .

"But I'm more powerful than you are." Tahlia said looking at him smirking.

He looked at her stunned .

She casted a spell that made the dagger hot and he winced and dropped it and she picked it up . He looked at her scared and she went closer to him and he back up scared .

"It's funny how you tried to kill me and convince me to not kill your daughter ." Tahlia said looking at him softly.

"Please don't do this Tahlia she's just a baby." He cried softly.

"Yes a baby that is a freak of nature that can manipulate the weather based on how she is feeling and has healing powers and can hear even the most quietest things . That's not normal for our kind ." She said looking at him waving her hand .

"Our kind?! You kidnapped me and is planning on killing my daughter after she is born and you say our kind ! " he said looking at her angry .

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