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One week later

I was just about to leave, so as I was driving to the airport, I decided to stop the hospital, and see if there was an update, there wasn't. I went to the airport where Tony was waiting for me. We got on the plane, and all I did was sleep.

When we got to Europe's airport, I found out we were in London. I was so happy, I've always wanted to go to London. I wanted Adam to be there with me. I wanted to know that he was going to make it out of this...alive, but it's not his fault, he's not here...its mine. I was the one who made that guy mad, I'm the one was supposed to be in that hospital gown, I was the one who is suppose to be in a coma, not Adam. I'm not going to tell the police, because I know what that man could do to me, or my family. Why'd I have to be that stupid. Why'd I have to go to that man have, in the first place. I knew he'd try to do something, anything to torture me, but not like this. It's all my fault.

A car was waiting for us outside. I still couldn't believe that me, this girl that was small town born, and raised, in Maine. That got her boyfriend run over by a mad man, was here in London. When we got in the car, and was driving to the hotel, the sites form the window were so Beautiful

"Tony this is amazing. How could you afford these types of trips" I asked,

"I really don't know actually. My parent just ask me if I want to go to these insane places. You do get used to it after two years" Tony said.

The rest of the ride I was silently staring out the window. If Tony or the driver said anything, I didn't here it.

The hotel was like a castle. It was a grand suit, at least that's what I'm calling it. I set my stuff on my bed, and went into the bathroom. After I was done gasping in shock, at how amazing it was, I looked to my left and saw a big mirror. All I could see was me, so I just keep looking at myself. I didn't want to look away, but I had to, in order to stop looking at at person that put her boyfriend, the one she loves, in the hospital. When I came back, I had a blanket, I covered the mirror so I couldn't look at myself anymore.

I went back to the main room, and Tony was waiting for me on the couch. I sat down next to him and we started, and finished a conversation. After a while, we went to dinner, at a French restaurant, which is kind of I ironic. We sat down, and I couldn't stop looking around at everything, Tony had to sap me out of my stare.

"So what actually happened to Adam" Tony asked me,

"Well it's kind of a long story, but if really want to know, no I can't, just not now, not here" I said trying to hold back my tears.

After that I was quite.

We walked back to the hotel after dinner, because the hotel was close, and it was really pretty outside.

I was ready to just go to bed after that, but I forced myself to sit, and talk.

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