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I woke up hours later. I was in the dark. I couldn't see anything. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I looked down to just barely see restraints on my hands. I tried to get up, I struggled, I did all I could but nothing worked. Suddenly lights came on. I watched them as one, by one they came on. Each filling up a part of the room. I looked around, and just barely I could see a figure in the shadows. It was Mason! I tried to scream but nothing came out. He ran toward me. I close my eyes, so I couldn't see what he was going to do. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes, and no one was there. The restraints were off. I ran to the door. When I opened it, was really bright. My first instinct was to put up my hand to block the light. I saw it was just the sun. I keep looking at it. Then suddenly, someone came up behind me, grabbed me, and pulled me back into the darkness.

I woke up screaming. As soon as my eyes adjusted, I saw Hope, sitting at the edge of my bed. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"Well Tony told me about what happened in London, so I thought I would come and check on you." She said.

"Did he tell you about how he kissed me" I said as I was getting up, and trying to find some clothes.

"NO! When'd he try to do that?"

"It doesn't matter. So where's my parents?"

"They gave me this note to give to you"

She handed me a peace of paper.
Went out for a while. Be back soon.
Mom and Dad

"So why were you screaming?" Hope asked.

"What, oh, it was nothing."

"Come on, tell me. I know it was a nightmare, and if you don't tell someone, and keep these things bottle up, then you'll explode."

"It's ok seriously, I'm fine, it was nothing."

"Ok, fine."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Both Hope and looked at each other in shock. We weren't expecting anyone. I told Hope to answer the door while I threw on some clothes. I couldn't hear who it was. All I could hear was Hope talking, really loud. Everything went silent for a moment. Then I heard a BANG, and jump from fear.

The Turning PageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora