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I woke up in Tony's arms, screaming. "Are you okay" he asked,

"No" I said,

"What's wrong, bad dream"?


"What happened",

"Well I was with Adam, you know right before the crash. He kissed me, then everything went slow motion, and the car hit him. I ran to him, and Mason came out telling me it was my fault this happened, to him. I told him that it wasn't my fault, and that it was his. Then Adam, and him disappeared, I fell and fainted. Just as I was about to pass out, Mason came up to me, and said it was my fault. Then shot me".

"Wow Casey that's, wow"

"I know. What time is it anyway",

"It's 4 am" Tony said.

He went back to his seat, and went back to sleep. He asked if I wanted him to stay with me, but I said no. I didn't want him to "try"anything. The reason I didn't tell Tony about how he was the one I saw, when I opened my eyes after the kiss, is because I didn't want him to "think" anything either. I couldn't sleep after that, mainly because I didn't want to sleep. It was pretty much just a sleepless night for me.

We got to the airport that morning. I keep looking around at everything. I was so pardoned, mainly because I didn't know if Mason was alone, or if he had a group, or something.

I was driving home, when I looked in the rear view mirror, and saw a mysterious looking car. I couldn't see the driver, because the windows were tinted. I thought to myself 'it's properly just another car, on the road'.I started to take my normal root home, when I looked in the mirror again, and there it was, that mysterious looking car behind me. I went off my normal path, on a exit that could lead to the police station, just in case. There it was still following me. I took some unusual turns, and some trick to try to lose it, but there it was right behind me the whole time. I took a turn into the police station, and pulled in. The car keep going beyond the police station. I sat there for a while until I knew that they were gone. I pulled out, and speed, going to the hospital.

I got to the hospital, and ran inside to see Adam. I went into his room, where of corse there he was, looking the same way, he did when I left, but there was something different about him this time. Most of his scratches were gone. That made me happy, to see him healing this fast.

I got home. Mom and dad both asked me why I was home so early, I told them that it was because I got homesick, that put a smile on there faces to know that I missed them. I told them that so they wouldn't worry, they were already worried enough, so I gave them both a hug, and went upstairs, where I slep for hours.

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