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I sat down next to Tony, and decided that I was going to tell him about what really happened to Adam. I thought that at least one person should know. "Ok" I started,

"So the real story, is that a crazy man was sending my parents threats"

I was surprised how much Tony was listening to me, the way he was looking in my eyes, with a stern look on his face, so I continued, "So I called the guy, to see if I could convince him to stop, because my parents got really worried. They wouldn't even leave the house. About a week later I meet with the guy at restaurant. The guy said that I could go tell my parents to screw off. I got pissed, and said things that pissed him off. He got so mad, he grabbed a gun, and hid it, to where no one could see it. He made me go out to the back out the restaurant. Tony he said he was going to kidnap me, to actually give my parents something to worry about, so when he got close, I punched in the nose and ran away, to my car. As I was running I could hear him saying that he was going torture me, and I wouldn't know when, or where. That's when I went to Adam where I knew he'd be. I guess he found out where I going, because when Adam got hit, I saw the guy in the car",

"Oh my god Casey, I didn't realize how bad it really was, but don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault. It's that crazy guys fault".

He started leaning in, then kissed me, he keep kissing me. I pushed him away, slapped him, and walked to where my back was facing the balcony.
"What the hell was that!" I asked,

"Are, are you trying to make my guilt, into your own pleasure?"

"No" said Tony in a defensive voice, "It's, it's just that, um"

"That's right you have no reason why you're trying to make out with me while 1: I have a boyfriend that just got hit by a car, and it's all my fault, and 2: I'm pouring my heart out to you, and you take advantage of me, while I'm scared out of my mind, and this crazy man is after me"

"Now I wouldn't say crazy" said a mans voice from behind me, that I recognize. Then I knew. It was him.

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