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Adam and Tony stepped out of the limo before Hope, and I. They came and opened the door for us. They held out their hands. Hope stepping out of the limo first grabbed Tony 's hand as he help her out of the limo. Then I stepped out of the limo grabbing Adam's hand as he helped me out of the limo. I looked around at everyone. When I looked to my left, a man was standing there, looking right at me. Someone walked in front of me, and when I looked back, he was gone. 'It's probably just my imagination.' I said to myself. Locked arms, Adam and I walked in the school and into the room where the stage was. As we walked in the room, all it took was one looked for me to be amazed. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, as well as snowflakes, the lights were dimmed low, but I could still see everything. The song "Stay" by: Rihanna, came on. I smiled, I loved this song. Adam slowly slid his hands through my. He quickly spun me around, and dipped me. When he pulled me back up, I just had my head against his chest. He didn't say anything. He put his hands on my hips, and I put my hands around his neck, my head still against his chest. He just put his chin on the top of my head, and kissed my on the top of my head. I just let out a long breath. Someone tapped on the mic on stage. Both Adam and I looked at the stage, he still arm around my back. "Ok if I could have everyone's attention please." The girl at the mic said.

"I hope everyone's having a good night so far. But just to tell you...the nights just getting started.

Everyone cheered. "Geart. So who would like to know the winter queen and king?"

Everyone cheered again. I looked around, wondering who would win this year.

"And your Winter Formal Queen is...drum role please."

Everyone made a drum role sound. "Casey Folman!" She announced.

I just stood there, with my mouth hanging open. Everyone clapped. Adam gave me a little push forward. I started walking toward the stage. I made my way to the stairs and saw some people standing by the stage. I stopped right by the first step. A guy put out his hand to help me. I took his hand and made my way up the stairs. I walked over to the mic, and looked at everyone in the crowd still clapping. They put a crown on my head and handed me some flowers. The girl stepped out of the way and gestured for me to talk. I stepped in front of the mic while everyone stopped clapping. "Wow, I really don't know to say." I started.

"Um...well I would just like to say thank you. I mean this was really unexpected. I really don't know what to say, so I'm just give it back to her." I said as I looked back at the girl.

"Thank you Casey." She said as everyone clapped.

"And now your king."

For a long moment we waited. "Your king is...Adam Jackson!"

I looked at him just as he was looking at me. He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know he was going to be king. I rolled my eyes, and he started walking toward the stage. He didn't walk up to the mic when the girl stepped out of the way. He just walked toward me fast, came up to me and kissed me. Everyone cheered loudly. "Well that was wonderful." The girl said.

They handed him a crown. I took it and put it on his head. He held out his hand, and I took it. He led me down the stairs. "Ok so they already started the king and queen dance. Hit it." The girl said as they played a slow song.

With one hand up and the other on my hip, we danced. This wasn't exactly how I expected my Winter Dance to go...but this was better. Adam looked down at me, starring in my eyes, as if on one was there for him to look at. I opened my mouth, but he put his finger to my mouth and made a 'shhh' sound. "Don't you know that I love you Casey, and you're my everything." He said.

"I love you too." I said as he leaned down and kissed me.

This felt perfect. I wouldn't change anything. This was my 'Turning Page'.

I'm really sorry that, that's the ending but I am making another book that will be coming out soon. So don't get mad.

A.k.a. Author

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