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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I was lying in my room on the floor. I got off the floor and looked around. Most of the things I recognized, but other things I haven't seen in a long time. "Casey" I heard my moms say in a loud voice.

She stormed into the room, and flipped on the light switch. "Mom" I said in a relieved voice.

"Casey Alex Folman! Get out of bed right this instant, young lady."

"Young lady? What? Mom you haven't called me that in a long time. What's going on."

She walked right passed me to the side of the bed I usually sleep on. She ripped the covers off to relive me, but it wasn't me. It was 14 year old me. 14 year old me shivered and said in a tried voice "what?"

"Where were you last night?" Mom asked 14 me.

"I told you. I was at Hope's house, helping her work on a project."

Then I remembered this. I was 14 and went to Hope's house for a party. I told my parents I went to her house to help her study. Biggest mistake of my life.

"Damn right you were at Hope's house. You were partying at her house."

"Why would you think that?" 14 me asked.

"Oh I don't know because of this."

She held out a phone with a picture on it. I didn't have to look at it to know what was on there. It was a picture of Hope, Tony, Elena, and I at Hope's house with people around us. 14 me looked up at the picture. She quickly jumped up when she saw it.

"How'd you find that?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that we trusted you, and you betrayed that trust. You're grounded for a month."

"No that's not fair."

"It wasn't that fair for us either." My mom said as she walked out of the room.

14 me sat down on the bed. I ran to the door, and out of the room. "Mom! Mom! No come back." I screamed to her as she was walking down the hallway. Everything started to fade.

I woke up out of breath. Mason came in. "Ok let's get this over with." he said.

"Get what over with? " I asked.

"You really need to stop asking so many questions Casey. I mean seriously, it's gets annoying after a while, and out of the many things that can go with that one sentence. There's really only one thing that can go with this right know."

"Oh that." I said in a sad voice.

"Yeah that." He said as if it was that obvious.

He lifted a gun and pointed it at me. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to know when it happened. My heart started racing, and I could feel the nervousness in me. Then I heard a large BANG! And that was it.

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