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The next day I went back to the hospital, to get Hope, and check on Adam. As I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Hope I was writing a letter to Adam explaining everything, when someone started talking me. "It's a real shame isn't, how ole Hope here fell down the stairs," it was Mason.

I started to get up, when he put his hands on my shoulders, and pushed me back into the chair. "No, no, no, you're not getting away from me, this time. Just sit, let's talk a little. So how's everything, with you know, homework, school, Adam".

I didn't talk, I couldn't, not to him.

"You can not talk all you want, but just know"

He pulled out a gun, "You're under my control now."

He motioned me up, just as Hope was coming out of her room.


She shouted at me, but I stayed quiet, and just keep walking.


She shouted again, this time louder. By the time she shouted again, we were already out the door, and across the parking lot.


Hope shouted again, this time really loud. "Ok so she wants to do things the hard way?",

He picked me up, put me in front, and shot, Hope in the leg. I started to scream, at the site of my best friend begin shot. "It's ok I only hit her in the leg. She'll be fine."

I didn't believe him.

He put me in the back of his car, and tied my hands together, so I couldn't escape. He also blindfolded me, so I couldn't see where we were going. He just keep talking, about random stuff. I didn't move I didn't anything. If this was the price I would have to pay, for my friends to be alive, and safe. Then I would pay it.

We finally stopped at an abandoned building (of course). He pulled me out of the car, and ripped off the blindfold, to revile a group of people there. "Casey meet everybody, everybody meet Casey",

He held me really tight by my arm, the pain made me hold my head back, and have fast breathing. He handed me off to two really big muscular men. They took me in the building, sat me down in a chair, and tied my hands, down to the. They didn't tie my mouth so they must of wanted to talk to me, and wanted me to respond. "Look Casey we've been sending your parents threats, since before you were born, and you're like what sixteen, so as you can imagine, that's a long time, And you may be asking yourself, 'why is he doing all this'."

He waited for me to respond "It's because your parents have been keeping a secret from the world, for a long time now, and now I have just the thing to get it out of them."

I still didn't say anything. He came up to me really fast, and got in my face. "Well aren't you going to do something? Rage out, get really mad, like the Casey we've been watching for the past sixteen years."

I spit in his face. "So you think this is funny do you." He said,

"I know, that's why I did it." I finally said.

"Oh so now you want to talk? Well go ahead, talk."

I didn't. "Why do you have to be so stubborn? Why can't you just talk to us?" Brenton asked.

"Because I don't know what to talk about." I answered.

"Well what do you want to talk about, sports, shopping, drama."

"I want to talk about what you're going to do to my friends. That's right I figured out your plan. How you were going to kill all my friends, to make me live with the guilt."

"What? No, no, no, that wasn't my plan. I was trying to run you over, but then Adam pushed you out of the way, and I was going to come to get you when you, and Hope we're at your house. But then I heard someone coming down the stairs, but they were just collateral damage."

"Collateral damage, COLLATERAL DAMAGE. They were not collateral damage. They were my boyfriend, the one I love, and my best friend, and don't think I'll forget how YOU SHOT HERE IN THE LEG."

"Well if you guys are such best friends, and you share everything." he grabbed his gun. "Then maybe you guys should have matching gun shot wounds."

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