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We were back in the building, by that afternoon. In the same building. Same room. Same chair. Just different feeling, and more guards. I tired to think of something better than this. And I remembered the first day that I met Adam.

I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm clock, 6:30am. Another first day of school, on another Monday. At least I had something to look forward to. I was going to a sophomore in high school. I quickly got up out of bed ran into the bathroom, and turned the shower on, jumped in, let the hot water warm me up. I dried myself off, and went back into my room. As being myself it took me about twenty minutes just to pick an outfit. After a hard core debate with myself. I chose a green flannel shirt with denim shorts, and some gray Vans I just got this summer. I did my makeup, and ran downstairs to get some breakfast, then head to school. "So how'd you sleep?" My mom asked me in a sleepy voice.

"Fine" I said, grabbing a bowl of cereal, and sitting at the table.

After a short breakfast with my mom, and saying bye to her, and dad. I got in my car, and drove to school.

I found Hope, as soon as I walked in. "Hey Casey," Hope said, as she linked arms with me in the hallway. "So I've got everything figured out for us this school year."

"Everything." I said in a complained voice.

"Yes everything. So first we're going to meet some hot guys, become friends with them, then they ask us out. How's that sound."

"It sounds great. Yeah because you always meet really hot guys just everyday." I said in a sarcastic voice.

Hope kept talking, and I was barely listening. I turned my head I saw a really cute guy, that I've never seen before. I knew most of the kids in my high school, but I haven't met him yet. I keep looking at him. He was talking to some guys on the football team, that I really didn't know that well. He looked up at me. I quickly put my head down. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell he keep his eyes on me. A small smile crept onto my face, as I keep walking.

I got to first period. I looked around to see if there was anyone that I knew, in this class. Then I looked to my right, and a few rows behind me, there he was, and he wasn't just sitting there, he was looking at me. "Settle down now class." The teacher said, as he was walking into class, a few minutes late. I quickly turned my head back.

He set his briefcase down on his desk, and wrote his name on the chalk board.
Mr. Cooper
The bored read. "Hello class I am Mr. Cooper. You can call me that, and that only. No Mr. Coop, no Mr. Pooper, and nothing else."

The whole class laughed a little. Mr. Cooper, took role "John Morgan" he called out.

"Here!" John said.

"Casey Folman." He called out.

"Here!" I said.

"Adam Jackson." He called out.

"Here!" I looked behind me to find it was him.

"Ok class." Mr. Cooper started. "For your first assignment, you will have a partner." The class cheered.

He read off the names. Person with person. Name by name. Then I heard. "Casey, you will be with Adam."

I looked back at him with half a smile on my face. He smiled back at me, then winked. I turned back, as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

RING! RING! RING! The bell for class to end. I got my books and headed for the door, when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Adam. "Hey I'm Adam," Adam said to me. "You're Casey right?"

"Right." I said in a quiet voice.

I put my head down, turned around, and walked out of the room.

The rest of the school day was kind of a blur. All I could think about was him. When we finally got out of school, I drove home, and walked to the woods, and to my favorite spot. There wasn't much to it. All there was, was a big rock that I could sit on. I sat there for a while, just playing on my phone, when I heard a little russell, and just ignored it. "Casey!" I heard from behind me. It was Adam.

I turned around to see him standing there. He walked over to me. "Hey I never really got to know you. You just ran out of the classroom when I tried to."

I remembered that. The way I just walked out of the classroom, and just left him standing there.

"I'm sorry." I said in a sincere voice.

"It's ok I just want to get to know you better. I know it's pretty far away, but would like to go to homecoming with me?"

I was surprised at how he just came out like that, but as soon as I built up the courage. I opened my mouth. "Yes" I said.

He looked up at me, and smiled. We talked a little bit sitting on the rock. "So tell me about yourself." He said.

"Well ok," I started. "I was born in Augusta, Maine, and-" He kissed me.

It was a soft, sweet, cautious, kiss. He stopped. "I'm sorry I, I should go."

Before I could say anything he left.

Two months later

I was looking in the mirror in my room. At my homecoming dress. It was white with gems at the top, a blue waste, some more white, and faded into blue. "Need some help?" My mom asked me.

"Ya actually can you French braid my hair?"

"Sure, so when Adam getting here?"

"7:00-7:30ish." I told her.

"You know I'm proud of you right?"


"For you being you and not letting anything get in the way of that."

"Thanks mom"


She tied off my hair to the side. It was a French braid that started on one side at the top of my head, then went off the other side on my shoulder.

We heard a knock at the door. I looked at mom then toward my door. "Here we go." I said.

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