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I turned around to see a gun in my face. He was holding it, I just realized that I never got his name. He had a bandage on his nose, I'm guessing that's from where I hit him. Besides that he looked the same. the same sinister look he had, when we meet. He had dark hair, and tight clothes to where you could see his muscles, I think that was intentional. Tony quickly jumped up, and put himself between me and the gun.

"Now that's a stupid thing to do. If I were I would of been in the lobby by now" he said

"Yeah well I'm not you" Tony said.

"I'm Mason" He said

"I don't care, just get out" Tony said.

I tried to get past him but Tony put his arm up, so I couldn't get past.

"Why are you here" Tony said in a confused voice,

"Well I thought it was pretty obvious, but sense it's not, in here for Casey"

"You stay away from her" Tony screamed.

Just then a Guard came in and started shooting at Mason. That gave us time to get out of the room, and run to the car, and to the airport.

We took a private jet back to Maine, so he couldn't get on the public one. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep. I just keep looking out the airplane window, at all the stars in the sky. I looked over at Tony who was crashed out. The way his short blonde hair, was just let lose, and his muscle tone matched his height. He wasn't as tall as Adam, but he wasn't short either, him and Adam were on the same football team, and were good friends.

I stood up, and walked to the bathroom. After that I got a snack. When I sat back down, I finally went to sleep.

I saw Adam, on the hood of his car again. He came up to me, and kissed me. When I opened my eyes, Tony was standing there, a look of confusion came over my face. I blinked, and Adam was there again, holding my hands, and looking at down at me, in the eyes. I looked around, all there was, was gray and fog, all around us. I looked to my left, then to my right. There it was, car headlights coming down the street. Just then everything went slow motion. Again Adam pushed me out of the way, and the car hit him. I looked in the car, and Mason was in the car looking at me, but this time he didn't just drive away, he got out of the car. I was running to Adam, as soon as I got to him everything went back to it's regular motion. Mason got close, leaned down and whispered in my ear "Look what you did to him. You did this, to him",

"This wasn't my fault. It's your, I didn't do this to him, you did, it's your fault not MINE" I said.

I stood up to turn around, so I could see the look on his face, but when I did he was gone. I turned to Adam, and he was gone too. I looked around in panic, once I turned a few times, I fell on the ground. I could tell I was about to faint. Just then Mason came up to me and said "It's your fault".

He lifted his gun and shot me, and the last thing I heard was BANG!

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