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I woke up to the sound of beeping machines. I flickered my eyes open. I look around to find I'm in a hospital. This time I'm in the bed. I focus my vision to find Adam, sitting there holding my hand, crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Casey!" He said in a relived voice.

"You're awake already?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. Eyes open, breathing, and I can do all my 5 senses. So yeah I'm awake." I said.

He hugged me. "Do you remember what you said to me before you," he gulped, as if he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. "Fainted."

"No I don't think so," I said. He put his head down.

"I'm just kidding." I pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him.

"I will always love you." I said

Hope wheeled in. She smiled when she saw I was awake. I smiled back. "Hey so you're awake." She said.

"Ya I guess getting stabbed, isn't enough to keep me down."

She hugged me. "So how's your gun shot wound. Come on tell me fire away." I said.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." She said.

"I know that's why I said it."

She laughed, and so did I. That's really what we all needed. To at least act like things were normal.

They left after a while. Whenever no one was there it felt like the longest times before someone came back in.

After two weeks of being in the hospital, I was finally able to stand up and walk around. The stab wound hasn't held quite yet. Every time I would look at it, I could feel the pain I had when I first got it.

2 Months Later

It's September, and they finally let me out of the hospital. I don't know why they keep me in there for long though. I guess it's because they didn't want the wound to open up till they were sure it at least was healed over.

I was never really ready to go back to my house. I told Hope about it, so she let me stay with her, until I was ready to go back home.

Most of the time during the night I wake up screaming. Luckily Hope was there to comfort me. The most sleep I would get was 1 maybe 2 hours a night. Just the nightmares hunting me like if the were happening over, over, and over again.

I was running again, looking back, out of breath. I looked back one more time, and I ran into something. I looked up from a mans chest. I saw Mason. He was looking down at me with a smirk on his face. "Finally I found you." He said.

I woke up out of breath. I looked around the room, I found nothing. I looked around one more time, I saw a figure in the shadows. "Casey." I heard.

It was Mason "Mason. What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to show you the truth."

He came at me. I put my hands up, and closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes to see I was in a cemetery. I turned around to find Adam. I could tell he just came from a funeral. He was wearing a tux and was crying. "ADAM!" I shouted. No answer.

"ADAM!" I shouted again this time louder. Still no answer.

I ran over to him. When I got closer, I noticed he was putting a flower down at a grave while on one knee. "Hey Adam, why aren't you answering?" I asked.

He never answer. "Hey!" I said. I finally found out that he couldn't hear me.

He got off one knee, and stood up. He walked over to the pond near by. He still had one flower, and he smelled it. "I will always love you." He said in a subbing voice. He let the flower slip out of his hands, and fall into the pond. After that he started to walk away. I heard someone walk up next. I knew it was Mason. "Why are you showing me this?" I asked with out taking my eyes off Adam.

"I want to show you some things you missed and things that you would of missed."

"So really you're doing this for your own sake." I asked.

"Ya but I bet it's going to be so much more fun with you here."

"Whatever lets just get this over with."

"First off, go look at that grave Adam was at."

I spun myself around, and walked slowly over to the grave. I saw my name on it.

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