Chapter 3: Magica World and The Academy of Magic

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(This chapter are gonna be about Y/N explaining about the Magica world and the academy so I hope you like it :))

3rd Person POV

"So what do you girls know about this world for now?" You asked them who is now sitting infront of you.

"Well.. we do know that it's magical.. Um-" Jihyo said and look at you.

You raise your eyebrows "That's all?" They nod slowly and you sigh.

"Okey, I will start explain, but only a little. If you want to know more, you can go to the library. Alright?" They smile and nod again.

You smile also. "So, as you know this world is magical and is also big. It's the same as the human world but bigger. Like I said, it's the same like the human world. You know what I mean by that?" You look at them.

"They have countries?" Chaeyoung answered.

"Correct. China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, USA, etc." They widen their eyes. 'It is really the same as the human world.'

"And of course, what magical world when there's no guilds and such?" You smile. "They are scattered all around this world so there are many guilds out there."

"Guilds ?! That sounds fun !" Sana said excitedly "I wanna try join one !" You laugh "Yes you can join, but of course you need an ability to join. Everyone has an ability in this universe, so that means you-"

"We have it too." Jeongyeon said. "I wonder what my power is."

"I'll tell you what your power is" They look at you.

"So Nayeon, your power is-"

After telling them what their powers is

"Woah.." They all are still in shocked because they possess such great abilities.

"But.." They look at you again. "From what I see, you girls can't control your powers fully so better if you train more from now on."

"And why is that?" Tzuyu asked.

You look at her and blink. "So you won't get hurt or hurt anybody, duh?" "Oh"

"And next thing about this world are the academies. There are multiple schools or private schools but these are the Top 5. Starting from number 5." You give them a paper which are written the names of the Top 5 academies.

Jihyo pick up the paper and read it.

"Number 5, Monster Academy"
"Number 4, Royale Academy"
"Number 3, Lumia Academy"
"Number 2, Wolfhaven Academy"
"And the number 1.. The Academy of Magic"

"Holy shit, we transferred to the number 1 school-" Jeongyeon said.

"Don't curse while I'm here Jeong." Jihyo glared at her and put down the paper.

"Well now you know, next is about this academy. As you can see, this academy is huge. There are three main buildings, the elementary school, middle school and the highschool which you're here right now"

'Those three only are the main buildings? All of the buildings in the academy look like the main buildings. Shit dude' They thought while blinking.

"There are 4 semesters."

"4? I thought there's only 3." Nayeon asked.

"Well, only this academy has 4 semesters which is, class 1, 2, 3 and the senior class. What is the senior class you may ask? The senior class are only for 20 above. So you're now in the senior class." They make an 'O' mouth shape and nod.

"Wait, for the elementary and middle school. What age are qualified for them?"

You hum and drink some water 'Goddamn, my throat hurts-'

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