S1 E1: Pilot

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2012 The BUS

Three young scientists walk onto their new mobile home, carrying many bags full of science equipment and clothes, the two brunettes argue loudly, pushing each others belongings around, the only blonde rolls her eyes with a smile, softly placing her cases on the table in their new lab. She is slowly dragged into the argument. 

The three don't notice a man walking up the ramp towards them, Fitz being too busy grabbing the gun from Simmons, "whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch it!", he cradles the gun, "thats the night-night gun", his Scottish accent is tinted with annoyance.

The brunette woman, replies, her British voice clear and bell like, "Well it's on my stuff, and it doesn't work", the blonde now looks at their male friend, her voice soft and smooth.

"There is absolutely no way, we are calling it the night-night gun", she grabs some more of her cases, all of which have a small gold medical cross on them, the same cross is pinned to her clothes, the girl not feeling complete without it.

Fitz rebuts at the two, "The bullets work. Nonlethal, heavy stopping power, break up under the subcutaneous tissue-"

Simmons interrupts him, making Joy roll her eyes, having heard the argument countless times, "Oh, with a dose of only .1 microliters of Dendrotoxin. I'm not Hermione. I can't create instant paralysis with that", Fitz looks irritated at being interrupted, but Simmons carries on, "You should have run the specs by me before building the moulds"

This comment vexes the Scotsman, "The bullets are hollow. It's a marvel I can keep them from breaking apart in the chamber" 

Angela now defends her British friend, "you could of used a higher caliber round, or maybe you could of read a book", the three voices begins to blend together, echoing around the empty lab.

He now looks at her, "Have you ever heard of physics or – uh what's the other one? Inertia"

The blonde nods back, "yes, it's not particularly difficult".

All three heads turn when a heavy bag is dropped on the floor, seeing Ward standing in the lab doorway, he looks between the three, "JoyFitzSimmons?"

Simmons points at Joy, "Joy"

Simmons points at Joy, "Joy"

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Joy points to Fitz, "Fitz"

Fitz points to Simmons, "Simmons. I'm engineering, she's biochem", he then points back at Joy, "and Joy's emergency medicine", he now hold a hand out to Ward, "Agent Ward?"

The man nods, pulling a device from his back pocket, "Coulson said I'd need my comm receiver encoded", Fitz takes the device without a word, "I don't know if you've worked with that model before. It's-", his words die when Fit smashes a hammer onto the phone, "-brand new"

Simmons looks at Ward, "He'll repurpose the I.D.I.S. chip", Fitz now appears at her shoulder, holding something with some tweezers.

"Don't need the external receiver for the inner-ear coms anymore"

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