S1 E18: Providence

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2014 The HUB

Joy sat in her makeshift med-bay, she'd just finished patching the agents up who had been injured during HYRDA's infiltration.

She looked up when May entered the room, "come on, were leaving", Joy stood, albeit confused, "Marines are coming to the base so were flying away", May looked around the room, spotting the large canary backpack, "have you got everything?", she moved to the bag and grabbed it, but as soon as it was lifted it fell to the floor.

"Oh, don't worry, I've got it", Joy gave the woman a smile and hoisted the bag onto her shoulder, aware that May was gawking at her, "I'm used to the weight", the two women then started walking to the hanger, "when we're in the air, I want to take the stitches out of your brow"

May nodded, "yes ma'am", she shot a small smirk at the blonde who only chuckled.

Joy wandered around the lab on the BUS, though it was less of a lab now, more of a storage room, when she overheard Trip speaking, "so, you guys are all set to go?"

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Joy wandered around the lab on the BUS, though it was less of a lab now, more of a storage room, when she overheard Trip speaking, "so, you guys are all set to go?"

Coulson gave him a small smile, "I appreciate your help"

"Enough to give me a bunk?", Trip grinned easily, "seeing as you guys are down a specialist. I was hoping I could hitch a ride"

Angela noticed Simmons' stare that was fixed on Trip, and moved closer as Coulson replied, "not gonna happen. But feel free to commandeer one of Hand's vehicles", he then went to leave.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?"

Coulson dropped back off the stairs, "no problem. Just not letting you on my plane"

"Garrett had me fooled same as everyone else"

The two men stared at each other, "everyone else wasn't at his side day in, day out"

"Friends of mine are dead because of him. Good friends"

Joy looked at Simmons again, seeing the conflict on her face and decided to step forwards, "I think he should come with us, sir"

Coulson looked at her, minutely shocked by her intervention, "Duly noted, Agent Joy, but this isn't a democracy"

"Isn't it?", she stared into Coulsons eyes, eerily familiar to the dispute they had about the GH Serum, "considering that S.H.I.E.L.D. is falling apart by the second, I believe that everyone on the team should have a say in this", she spoke strongly, making sure her words were being heard, "Agent Triplett protected Simmons, a member of our team, when we couldn't, and from what I've heard, he was willing to lay down his life for what is right", Coulson couldn't look away from the blue eyes that bore into his soul; they had a fire in them, stronger than when she joined, "respectfully, sir, I think Agent Triplett should come with us"

Coulson looked at her, then Simmons and then Trip, before looking back to Joy, "okay... but he's your responsibility", the blonde nodded and patted Trips shoulder before shooting a wink at Simmons as Coulson left.

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