S1 E12: Seeds

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2013 The BUS

"There is nothing more unsettling", Simmons spoke as herself, Fitz, Joy, Skye and Ward stood in the kitchen after hearing about an attack at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Sci-Tech academy, "being apart of something so horrible. Completely unaware. The cadet could've died"

Fitz was pouring three cups of tea, "we drew up those concepts years ago. We didn't know they'd be applied in that way"

Skye looked at Wards tablet, "is this the device they found in the frozen pool?- Correction, the instantly frozen indoor pool?"

Joy nodded as Ward spoke, "seems like it was planted in the filter days before. Like someone was waiting for the specific cadets"

Joy stirred some sugar into her tea and added a drop of milk, "well, as far as the ground team can tell, the device uses a crystalline nucleation process Simmons designed, and a delivery mechanism invented by Fitz. It's the reason we are being asked to aid the investigation", she sipped her hot tea, smiling slightly at the comforting taste.

"So, were going to the Academy?", Skye seemed excited by this news.

Ward looked over at her, "Science and Technology Division. Cadets are petty shaken up over what happened. Agent Weaver asked if you three could speak to the student body about 'potentiality'. Calm them down"

Fitz and Joy shared a look as Simmons spoke, "of course. The Talk. We've all heard the talk"

"I haven't", Skye spoke threw a mouthful of cereal.

"I guess you will", Ward picked up his coffee.

Skye smirked over to the science trio, "well, I've heard a lot about the academy. I'm, excited to finally see it"

Joy gave her a small smile as Ward spoke again, "me too. Never been to Sci-Tech before", his words made Fitz smirk slightly.

Skye looked to her S.O., "never? Huh. The different S.H.I.E.L.D. academy's don't interact?"

She looked between the trio (who huffed in amusement) and Ward, "not much. Academy of Communications does. But they're the biggest, and focused on data analysis"

Fitz shook his head, "boring"

Joy smirked, "super easy"

Simmons also spoke, "by far the easiest to get into"

Unaware of the offensiveness of his next words, Fitz also said, "that's where you'd be, Skye"

"Thanks", the girl said sarcastically.

Ward went on to explain his academy, "operation s the most aggressive program. More people wash out of Operations than the other academies"

The hacker looked over to JoyFitzSimmons, "so, which ones the hardest to get into?", the three smirked at Ward, who looked away from Joy, "I'm picking up on the rivalry between Sciences and Operations", May then walked by the group, "you and Coulson past all that, or are you gonna help Ward steal their mascot?"

The woman looked at the team, "we're not going. After we drop you off, Coulson and I have other matters to attend to", she walked away without any further explanation.

The team shared looks, as Skye and Ward stepped closer to the trio, "Coulson hasn't come out of his office in a while. Do you think he's alright?"

Joy nodded, "he was fine when I checked him over"

Ward also spoke, "we saw him at a low. Thats not easy for anybody. Coulson tough as they come. He'll be good. Just give him some time... And while he takes that time, it's on us to figure out what's going on at the academy", JoyFitzSimmons nodded and walked away to prepare for landing, also wanting to put together a speech for the cadets.

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