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Another down side to the state of Ohio. There happened to be little to no witches here. The ones who remained where very well hidden, it took a keen hunter to find them. I thankfully happened to be such a hunter, making my efforts to find a witch last only two days.

"Why are we doing this again?" Able asks as i stalk into an apartment building.

"Your dull if you think im going to take your word on anything you say. I'll have a witch verify or refuse what you have told me." I shrug lightly pulling him inside.

He doesn't fight me as i do so. He simply rolls his eyes as if i were being unreasonable. 

"Eris?" I turn my head with a softer smile. 

"Harper." I muse turning to the witch.

"Wow, i never expected to see you again." I shrug my shoulders lightly as i push the kid into her apartment building.

"Well i need something so you get the pleasure of being in my presence again." She nods shutting the door behind me as Able starts tinkering around with her things.

"Hey don't touch that." She scolds as he puts his hands to his sides, offering an apologetic look. I snicker lowly at it. 

"What do you need Eris?" Harper asks as i take a seat in her kitchen. I point to Able.

"The kid says he apart of my family, i need you to do a simple spell to see if that's true or not." I enlighten as she offers me a drink. I smile plainly at the tea, sipping it to show gratitude before placing it down indefinitely.

"I could have done that. I'm a witch to." I look back to him with a scoff.

"So you can tamper with the spell and make the outcome what you want it to be? No thanks." Harper smiles between us before turning to her living room. She saunters off to grab what we need as i lean back comfortably in my chair. 

"Whats gonna happen when the spell tells you im your relative?" Able asks also taking a seat.

There was an array of possibilities should the spell confirm his words. Most to do with him being far from my life. I hadn't abandoned all responsibility to gain a new one so quickly.

"I'll give you some money, find a long distance uncle or something. Send you to live with him." An amazing idea if i do say so myself.

"I have no living family." I grumble at his words.

"Then i'll kill a rich couple, enslave their minds and force them to care for you until your old and withered." Which was a far better alternative then killing him for claiming to be my blood.

Harper rushes back into the room with her hands full. Able gets up to help her, forcing me to tilt my head as the witches work on setting the spell up. He comes to sit beside me as he lights sage, offering it to her as she lights candles. 

For now as she finalises what she must do, we sit. Eyes casting about the room for anything interesting to stare at.

"I'm going to need your blood." Harpers eyes dart between able and I. 

Swiftly i stand up, grasping a knife form the kitchen counter top. I pass it to Able first. I'm not squeamish when it comes to blood, I've shared my own with countless people. However i couldn't say the same for him and i could not be bothered to hear him whine over using the same blade after i had used it.

He cuts through his palm with a slight wince, clenching his fist as the blood pools to the board below.

"The spell will guide the blood towards each other, if they merge you are of the same blood line. If it doesn't, you have no connection." The witch enlightens as Able nods. I had no doubt that he had read over the spell. Witches always held that certain curiosity. 

He passes me the knife once he has finished with it, leaving me to slice my skin swifter then he had. My face is impassive, a minor paper cut at this point. One of which i paid no mind as the skin healed. 

My blood drips onto the board. 

The witch begins to chant. 

I look to Able.

"If i were you I'd pray that the blood merges. As i wouldn't want to be the one to waste my time." My coy smirk doesn't rattle him in the slightest.

"No need for prayer, im feeling pretty confident." I become amused at his words, leaning back to watch the blood on its path.

Its a slow crawl to begin but it seems like once in action the movements become easier. The blood rushes to the centre of the board and does not even hesitate when it comes to mixing with the opposing liquid. 

I look to my side to see the kid smirking. 

Had he have done that at any point earlier there would have been no doubt in my mind about our relation. 

"Fine, your an Ashire. Welcome to the pack kid." I pluck a card out of my pocket with a shrug.

"Go nuts." 

I turn back to harper as Able's eyes light with unbridled joy. She's smiling softly at the outcome as i stand from the table. 

I pluck the bloodied knife we had used from its surface as i close the distance between us. I swiftly plunge it into Harpers heart, twisting her away from the boy so her blood wouldn't spoil his clothing. I didn't have the same care for my own, leaving me a filthy mess.

Able's eyes raise in shock and concern.

"Was that necessary?" He asks.

"As you may have heard Harper and I had met before. She asked for my blood then to, then when i left used it to preform spells i hadn't agreed to. She would have no doubt done the same today. Now it isn't only my blood but the blood of an Ashire Witch." I explain pulling the knife out as she drops, placing it back upon the board before throwing the whole thing away.

"Did she have to die? Couldn't you have just taken the blood? Like wiped it up or something?" I watch him closely as i shake my head.

"It is the principal of it. However, if an immortal such as my self ever happens to give you their blood. Keep it. You will be able to do some cool magic." I smile brightly before offering him my hand. He takes it as i lead us out of the now abandoned apartment. 

In The Eye of Her Storm // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now