Calm Before The Storm

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So yeah, it's sounds pathetic and that's because it really is. Monday night, 11:16pm, I just had a week off of school and tomorrow is my first day back. Yeah, I know, "why wasn't Monday your first day back?", well let me tell you, the French Lycée system is fucked. Anyway, I'm sitting in bed, reading Jaden Walton fan fictions on Wattpad. Yup, there's the patheticness. I'm a big Euphoria fan and obviously Fezco and Ashtray are my faves. As one does, I looked into the cast when I first started watching, and stumbled upon the fact that the actor who portrays the role of Ash, Javon Walton, has a twin brother named Jaden. Immediately, I found his instagram and developed what I guess you could call a celebrity crush? I mean he's the brother of a famous person so I guess... Back to now, I found a few good reads but they are all still "ongoing" meaning I'm left with a cliffhanger every time. I'm totally a simp for someone I've never even met nor will I ever meet. Jaden flipping Walton.

Here's a bit about me: I'm 14, 15 in August; I go to school in French, as mentioned before; I'm a swimmer training to be a life guard; I live with my mum, dad, 16 year old sister, Flora and dog, Kingsley. I've been all over the place for my mums job, she's a diplomat by the way. I was born in Chicago but I've lived in Ottawa, Lyon, Perth, D.C, Calgary and I currently reside back in my home town, Chicago. My mother grew up in a French school and since the Lycée system is the same all around the world, it was a no brainer for me and my sister to attend. Enough of this tangent.

I finally fall asleep around 1:00am and, here's the kicker, dream about Jaden. God I sound like a creep but hey, I'm sure I'm not the only one right?

Oh hell, how I hate mornings, 7:00am is way too early to be awake and no one can convince me otherwise. While putting on my outfit that I picked last night, I check my phone. I answer some snaps from friends and then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth but first, put on some music, obvi. J Cole sings out of my phone, followed by Nirvana, Dr. Dre, The Strokes and so on and so forth. I finish my skin and hair, popping on some tinted lip balm and pulling my hair up in a simple bun. I grab my iron pill because, oops, low iron, and down the rest of the water from my water bottle. It's 7:48 now and I've got to leave at 8:00. I check my phone one more time before pulling it off the charger and grabbing my bag to head downstairs.

Just as I slip my phone in my pocket, I get a notification from instagram: @onwardjdub liked your post

A/N: Ok hey guys sorry about the length of this chapter and the fact that it's very slow moving but trust me the next will be better and more about Jaden (:

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