First Day? Check!

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We end up just eating lunch and talking, laughing, completely forgetting about the game we were going to play. Jaden is still being protective, but I have gotten past what Rhys said earlier in the hour. I ask if any of them want to make TikToks and they all say yes. While I'm looking for an audio to use, J pulls the tallest boy away from the group briefly. When they come back, Rhys looks a little bit shaken. "Oh what the hell did Jaden do?" I ask myself.

I talk to Flora in the halls before getting to class. She has graphic design now, I'm so jealous. You can't have any electives until you're in grade 10 at this school, but I've already decided that I'm going to take Autobody shop next year so I can work on cars and mechanics, but for now, it's my first class of the day without a Walton, Spanish.

I walk into the Spanish room which is decorated with strings of pompoms and gorgeous black and white photos of the beach. I sit in between Fiona and a kid I haven't met yet. They've got blue hair and a septum piercing, plus, they're wearing Doc Martin's so I immediately find them cool. The teacher walks in, a tall man in his thirties, dark hair and slightly red beard. He introduces himself to me as Señor Delgado, just like Many from "Modern Family". He seems pretty chill, but also like if you get on his nerves, you'll get yelled at. Severely. He asks if I know any Spanish and I say a little bit as I'd taken Spanish at my old schools.

Señor Delgado hands me two pages titled "Prueba de Evaluación de Español", Spanish Assessment Test, I sit at a bigger, round table in the back and fill in the questions while he explains to the rest of the class what they'll be doing today. I'm quickly finished and I walk to the front of the room to give him my papers. I head back to my seat where I find the blue haired student sitting at my desk.

"Disculpe, este es mi asiento," I say.

Fiona and them look up at me, seems they are working together. "Yeah hey dude, my Spanish is weak, I've got no clue what you just said."

"Oh, I said 'excuse me, this is my seat'," I respond awkwardly.

"Oh sorry I was just working with Fiona but I'll move back to my desk and  you can work with us too" they say, "I'm Bo by the way" they add.

"Y/n, but you can call me y/n/n"

"Ok so did you hear the instructions?" asks Fiona.

"Uhh yes!"

"We've already done the 1 and half of the 2," continues Fi, "you can copy off me, here" she says, passing me her notebook.

The bell rings and we exchange numbers, not only do Wanna's and Jaden's friends like me and are now my friends, but I've made my own. I'm really proud of myself because last year, I would've run straight to the bathroom to hide and cry the whole day.

Time Skip

Jayla, Kylee, Flora, Jaden, Javon and I are now waiting to be picked up from school. Jessica pulls up and we all get in. Me and Jaden in the very back, Javon, Flora and Kylee in the middle and Jayla in the front.

"How was you first day babes?" asks J.

"You know, it was actually quite nice, I made friends" I exclaim.

"I'm so proud of you Sunshine" he whispers before placing his hand on my thigh, tracing little patterns.

I yawn and lay my head on his shoulder, despite having a good day, I'm super drained. Mentally and physically. Socializing is hard man.

A/N: Y'all, I- well- y'all- I mean- ugh- I don't even- eh. I'm trying girlies (:

My Very Own Sunshine I A Jaden Walton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now