With Me

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I pop back out of the water to see Wanna chuckling at us. Seems he is the only one to have seen what happened under the surface though.

Time Skip

We are back inside after chilling in and by the pool for two hours. DJ and Marco tell us to go shower while they fire up the grill and start on dinner. Jaden offers to let me use the shower in his bathroom.
"Why thank you, kind sir" I chuckle. I notice he isn't looking at me eyes and more at my breasts. "Hey what are you-" I look down to see my pink bra showing through my almost transparent and soaked shirt, "oh fuck off, fuck all the way off."
"I'm paying you a compliment really," he says.
"Oh yeah, like why you see?" I tease.
"That's was so cheesy," he replies, "but yeah."
I giggle at his comment and head to the shower.
When I finish in the shower, I walk back into the room wrapped in a towel, my wet hair still flowing over my shoulders. Jaden looks me up and down, licking his lips. We walk past each other without saying a word and he enters the bathroom. I realize once more that I have no clothes. I have a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie in my back pack but I can't walk downstairs like this. I figure that I could just wear some of Jaden's clothes for now, I walk over to his closet and pick out a green champion crew neck and a pair of white shorts. Pulling on the clothes, I'm engulfed by his scent, making me smile to myself. Then I go downstairs and grab my bag, carrying it back up to J's room. I pull out my hair brush before turning on some music, not too loud though. I sit in front of his mirror brushing my hair and singing along to LL Cool J's "The Boomin' System". I'm so caught up in the music that I don't hear Jaden come out of the bathroom, I only realize when starts singing along with me.
"Cars drive by with the boomin system" I point to him.
"Cars drive by" he continues.
"Ay ay," the both of us sing. That's when I finally actually look at him, wet curls, abs on full display, towel hanging low on his hips. We were in the pool for so long, how did I not acknowledge his body? Guess I was just too distracted by his smile. "Are those my clothes, babes?" he asks. "Maybe, Pretty Boy" I respond, mocking him with the nickname. He grabs his clothes and walks to the bathroom, kissing my forehead as he walks by. I just sit there and blush.
Finally it's dinner time, I walk out to the backyard and take a seat on a loveseat around the fire. Jayla notices I'm wearing  J's clothes and smirks at me, then whispers something to Flora that I can't quite make out. Daelo comes up to me with a blanket in his hands.
"Here you go!" he says as he hands me the blanket.
"Thank you Daelo! Why don't you come sit with me?" I say.
"Ok, I'll just hand out the other blankets and I'll be back."
"Alrighty!" I say as he walks to retrieve and deliver more blankets.
Just as he turns around, Jaden comes towards me, wearing grey sweatpants and a fading lilac long sleeve. "Hey" I say, turning to look at him.
"Hi, I came out of the bathroom and you were gone" he says, a trace of sadness in his voice, though it immediately fades, being replaced by a smile as he sits down, receiving a peck on the cheek from me. Then Dae comes back to me, "stop kissing, you took my spot Jaden."
"Don't worry bud, you can sit on my lap."
He hops up and I drape the blanket over the three of us. Javon walks by, carrying a plate of fruits and vegetables, then whispers in Jadens ear, "You wish that was you, huh?" It takes me a minute to understand until I realize he's talking about the fact that Daelo is sitting on my lap. I try my hardest not to laugh but my mum sees me and asks what's happening. "It's nothing, sorry" I reply.
The dads come out with burgers and Jessica walks around bearing fizzy water and pop (soda, depending where you're from) I choose a can of root beer and grab a burger. Daelo gives me a hug then gets off my lap and sits next to Wanna and his dad so we can start eating.

A/N: This took me so long to write for absolutely no reason other than the fact that all I had on my mind was an interview I just saw where Javon says Fez was supposed to die and that Ash might come back :)

My Very Own Sunshine I A Jaden Walton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now