A Jealous Baseball Player

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When I'm done brushing my teeth, I quickly wash my face and put my hair in a simple high braided ponytail. Then I walk over to Jayla's room to ask her or Flora if I could borrow some clothes. While I was walking down the hallway, Jaden stops me.

"Where you going?" he asks.

"To get an outfit to wear to your practice" I say.

"Can't you wear my clothes? You look really good in them."

"Ok, I'll wear one of your shirts, but I need pants that actually fit me" I say, blushing at his compliment.

"Alright, come on" he says as he tugs me toward his room.

"Pants first" I tell him. He looks at me, confused as to why it's important. "I need a clean bra and underwear" I whisper in his ear.

He gets a little embarrassed and lets out a faint "oh". I walk to the room and Flora passes me some undergarments to borrow. Instead of grabbing bottoms, I walk back through the corridor to Jaden's room.

"What pants did you choose?"

"I haven't chosen yet since you seemed so eager to see me." I say, "Also, I always pick my top before my bottoms" I continue, looking down at the fact I forgot something I've done my whole life, oops.

"Weird, but ok" he pulls me by the hand to his closet and swings open the door. I pick out a black t-shirt with a graphic Space Jam print on it. Then head back to the girls room and borrow Jayla's yellow biker shorts.

 Then head back to the girls room and borrow Jayla's yellow biker shorts

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I get dressed and tuck the shirt into the shorts

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I get dressed and tuck the shirt into the shorts. I walk back into J's room, he just looks at me, then gets up and smashes our lips together. His hands tightly wrapped around my waist, mine on his cheeks. He slips his tongue in my mouth and I let out a small moan. A moan, are you shitting me? We pull away and he looks me up and down.

"Like the outfit?" I tease.

"Come on babes, the others are getting in the car." he says, grabbing his bag and leading me down the stairs while holding my hand. Wanna sits in the passenger seat next to his dad. Flora sits in between Daelo and Jayla, leaving the two back seats for me and Jaden. I sit down and he joins me after loading up his equipment. We pull out of the driveway and get going.

We arrive at the baseball diamond and take a seat on the bleachers while Jaden goes to the locker room to finish getting ready.

Time Skip

Practice comes to an end and we head onto the field to wait for J. A group of his teammates stride towards us and start a conversation with Javon. One of them breaks away and starts talking to me. He introduces himself as Benoît and I immediately recognize his Quebecois accent. By instinct, I speak to him in French

"Salut ! Je m'appelle y/n. Je t'ai vu entrain de jouer, t'es assez bien einh?" (Hey! I'm y/n. I saw you playing, you're pretty good huh?)

I will write in English so everyone understands but the convo is actually in French

"You speak French?" he asks.

"Yeah, sorry I picked up on your accent and swapped languages without thinking." I answer.

"Where are you from?"

"Well I've been all over the place but I was born in Chicago." I say, "You're Quebecois, yeah?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I lived in Lyon, and in Calgary as well. My dad is from Toronto so I'm familiar with European French and Canadian French ways of speech."

"Ah cool!" he exclaims, "How long have you lived here?"

"Only two days actually!" I laugh. "You?"

"About a month and a half. So I see you're friends with the Waltons, did you come to watch Jaden play?"

As I'm about to answer, I hear Jaden calling my nickname. I spin around and see him jogging towards me, he's sweaty and his arms are veiny. Call me weird but it's extremely attractive. Goddamn he's hot. He reaches us and I start to congratulate him on how well he played, even though it's just practice, but he cuts me off by grabbing my throat and aggressively kissing me, he shoves his tongue in my mouth and grabs my ass. The only thing in my mind is him. I let out a squeal when he bites my bottom lip as he pulls away. I'm left in mild shock as he looks into my eyes then turns to Benoît.

"Making friends?" he asks me.

"Uh, yeah, it's nice to speak in French again."

"Alright then Sunshine, guess it's time to go."

As we walk towards the car behind the others, another teammate comes up to him.

"Hey, who's this?" he asks.

Jaden wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me into his side, "This is my girlfriend." he says simply before we continue walking. DID HE JUST CALL ME HIS GIRLFRIEND!?!? My heart bursts with happiness. He looks behind us one last time and scoffs. Is he jealous? He's not letting me be around any boys and when he saw me having a convo with his friend, he practically made out with me in front of him. Ha! He is jealous.

We get back in the car in the same arrangement as before. Jaden buckles his seatbelt, I look over at him and ask what's going on.

"You know when you turned around during your conversation with Ben?"


"He totally checked out your ass." he says, "Only I can do that" he smirks. "Plus, all the guys were talking about you, calling you hot. Next time you come, you're wearing my spare jersey."

My cheeks go red and I giggle. "So you're jealous?"

"Fuck yeah, you're mine and only mine." he states, putting his hand on my thigh.

Oh. My. God. Those words did some type of thing to me because all of a sudden, my face is burning up, I can't stop smiling and all I'm thinking is "I'm in love". Oh shit, I'm in love! Nah what? I'm only just about to be 15, I can't be freaking in love with a guy I only met in person a day ago and only talked to 5 days ago... Or can I?

A/N: Ok so maybe it was 6 hours instead of 1 but don't blame me, blame my history teacher for giving me a crap load of homework. You can also blame The Sidemen... anyway SEXUAL TENSION MUCH?!?!? (:

My Very Own Sunshine I A Jaden Walton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now