Lunch Lunch Lunch

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I'm back in class, sitting next to Jaden.

"Where do you want to eat at lunch? The cafeteria or the park across the street?" he asks.

"How bad does the cafeteria smell?" I ask him, chuckling slightly.

"Hmm, pretty bad, but you get used to it" he laughs.

"Can we eat at the park?"

"Sure" he says, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"You guys are allowed your phones in class here?" I ask, kind of shocked.

"In most classes, yes."


He laughs and continues on his phone, messaging someone I can't see.

"I just messaged the guys, telling them to meet us at the park, I also added you to our group chat."

"Ooh thank you! What's it called?" I question.

"You'll just have to wait until you check your phone to find out" he says cheekily.

I know I can use my phone right now, but it doesn't feel right so I decide on waiting until the bell rings.

The six of us are sitting in the park now, them sitting in the shade of a big tree and me basking in the sun right next to them. "Us" being me, Wanna, Jaden, Rhys, Zack and Grayson. Rhys is the tallest with hazel hair and blue eyes. Then Grayson with brown hair and brown eyes, Jaden, Zack the green eyed redhead and finally Mr. 6"11', Javon. Well, I guess we are similar in height but I'm just a bit taller so he is the shortest. Fun fact, Grayson is in every single one of my classes, so I've picked up on his sense of humour, it's very "typical 2000s coming of age movie class clown" and I've grown to like it already.

Eventually, I work up the courage to start eating my fried rice. I give my crackers and muffin to the others, but keep the raspberries for myself. J looks at me worryingly, knowing it's not enough to eat, but he sees that I'm trying and just gives my hand a squeeze. We decide to play a game so everyone can get to know me better and vice versa, also to test how well the boys now each other. As I'm about to ask the first question, I see Flo, Jayla and Ky walking near us. I wave at them and they wave back.

"Hey y/n, you and that brunette girl look alike," says Zack.

"Dude" I say, "they're all brunettes."

"The tall one" he adds.

"Yeah that's my sister, Flora."

"She's hot" comments Rhys.

Jaden and I look at each other, I can tell we both find it weird that he said Flo is hot just after Zack pointed out that we look alike.

Javon chimes in, "Nah man, you haven't got a chance, she's almost seventeen."

"Plus, she's seeing someone" I say, not completely a lie, she's in "the talking stage" and it felt weird for someone to call my sister hot for some reason. I mean she's totally gorgeous and I love her but it was the timing of when Rhys said it that threw me. Maybe he was hitting on me? Sure I'm flattered, but taken. Maybe he had already wanted to say it but Zack spoke first? Maybe, probably, I'm a narcissist who thinks everyone has a crush on me? Yes, that one. The way Jaden looks right now, the way he moved into the sun to put his arm around me, I feel like he's leaning towards the first. Jaden is very protective and easily gets jealous, it doesn't help that he has a short temper or that his humour is a bit mean. He's constantly teasing people, but he does it out of love.

A/N: Writer's block is fading away (:

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