Chapter 1

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The door opened briefly. McGonagall drifted in and shut the door behind her.

"Severus. Don't lash out at me. It was Albus's idea." He rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm already annoyed and this conversation has barely started Minerva. What is this about? I don't have time for this."

"That is what I'm here about. Severus... Albus wants to speak with you in his office. It's about a new assistant."

"I already told that nosey Headmaster that I don't need an assistant. I'd rather spend my time alone anyways." Minerva sagged a bit as she was disappointed in his answer. She began to walk out the room when she turned back to him and said,

"She's rather gorgeous Severus. I think you might like her if you give her the chance." He rolled his eyes at his beloved friend and the thought of her playing cupid with his new unwanted assistant.

He briskly walked the empty halls to Dumbledore's office. It was late and somehow still muggy even with the sun down. His mind trailed off as he walked down the long corridors. He never seemed to keep his focus on one thing at a time, always losing his agenda as he thought of what was to come next.

But when his eyes laid on your face as he walked in, his heart stopped. Y/n? There was no way he ever saw this coming. The brightest witch in your fourth year of teaching had made her way to becoming your assistant?

"Y/n L/n? What on earth are you doing back here. You swore to me you'd never return after the food fight with Carrie." He remembered how upset you were that you'd had to tell your professor what was wrong before your magic got any more out of hand. You always were an emotional person.

"I seemed in need of a job right when Dumbledore reached out." You smiled brightly at the man you'd once admired. "It seems someone still hasn't figured out paperwork. You never were good at it."

That brought him down from his inner happiness in moments. He turned and glared at Headmaster Dumbledore with a ferocity that made your heart stop. He had gotten even colder over the years.

"Professor Dumbledore. We talked about this. I thought we had come to an agreement that I was in no need for an assistant." He sneered but made it obvious he wasn't mad.

"Severus, I agree we talked about it, but in no means did we agree." In realization you frowned. Severus hadn't requested you to come as you had previously thought. He didn't want anything to do with you. Much like many of the recent men in your life.

A noise caught Severus's attention. HIs head snapped to where you were sitting and a small child waddled their way out from behind the chair. Your smile grew so large it caught him off guard.

"Sorry Professors. I hope it isn't a problem that I brought her. She will be staying with her father during the weeks while I work here. I just wanted a few more hours with her before term started." Your daughter happily giggled at something random in the room and you scooped her up and placed her in your lap.

"It is no problem at all dear. You should show her off to Minerva. She is a baby lover after all." You nod your head.

"I'm assuming that is a dismissal sir." You asked hesitantly.

"Yes dear. And call me Albus when in non professional conversations. Us teachers are all on a first name basis. I'll have Minerva show you to your room."

"Thank you Albus." You smile and place your daughter on your hip before exiting.

"Headmaster. I disapprove of this greatly." Severus stated sharply once the door had been closed.

"Deal with it, Severus. She's staying. Her stuff has been added to your office. Don't make a fuss about it." He grinned apparently very amused and ushered Severus from the room. Closing the door tightly behind him.

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