Chapter 36

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The weekend is over and I have no choice anymore. I have to face Severus because I have to work.

One phone call to Minerva and the entire staff is in my favor even if they don't know the whole story. They all just know that Severus backstabbed me and lost my trust.

The man who was finally starting to look like a decent human being to the staff and students now had nothing once again.

I arrived at Hogwarts with nothing but me, myself, and I. Minerva meeting me in the courtyard and escorting me inside. We get myself all settled in with Wendy in my quarters and then we take Wendy down to the nursery after a few minutes of play with mom.

Sadly Minnie has a class to teach before I do so Poppy takes a turn escorting me places and using it as an excuse to ask about the baby and Wendy.

Then came the dreaded moment. Walking into my first class for the day. There he was looking like hell. No sleep haunted his every expression and bruises showed from under his robes.

When he saw me I wanted to curse him right there at his desk. The same desk we had made love on numerous occasions. His eyes lit up with hope and he tried to smile at me but I looked away from him. I kept my head down and made my way to my desk.

"Y/n-" He tried speaking to me but he was cut off by students filtering in the door. He continued trying throughout the classes but I only responded in short vague answers and most were directed to the students. All of which noticed the tension and were unusually quiet.

Each class ticked by slower and slower until I was dying for the day to be over. One of the class periods I even excused myself in order to collect myself away from students. Filch giving me dirty looks in the hallway all the while.

When lunch came I basically ran from the potions classroom to find Minerva. She walked me to the dining hall and made sure to sit in between Severus and I.

"Y/n pleas-" and with one swift motion no sound came out of his mouth.

I just looked at Minnie with complete and utter shock before giving her an under the table high-five.

"So how has Wendy been taking to the new baby sister news?" Minerva queried.

"She's been quite happy to have a permanent play mate coming but she's impatient like her da-" I stopped to collect myself before I fell down another rabbit hole. "She's very impatient but I think they'll love each other wholeheartedly."

"You must not have had siblings." Dumbledore joined in. "They'll love each other. But wont show it often. They'll act like complete rivals and it all starts over the toys. Soon they'll be teenagers throwing punches and pulling hair over boys or girls and then once they move out of the house they'll start to be friendly to each other again."

"That's depends!" Joined in Sprout. "They could be complete opposites who bounce ideas back off each other never fighting over lovers or toys just for food like all teens. You never know and it can change based off how many kids you tw- you have." She says looking from me to Severus then back to me at the end.

I nod, "We'll just have to wait and see huh." I say gently rubbing my baby, baby bump.

Finally the last class of the day finishes and I begin to follow the students out. But right as I get to the door it slams shut and locks. I pull my wand out but he disarms me. I chair pulls up and a force pushes me into it. The chair turns and faces me towards Severus.

"Do you mind? I need to pick up Wendy from daycare."
"I do mind. You won't listen to my side of the story, you disrespected me in front of the students-"

"When?! When did I disrespect you? Because I have been nothing but respectful in class all day. It's not my fault the students can sense our tension because you backstabbed me!"

"I never backstabbed you, you blubbering idiot!"

I smirked at that one, laughed even. "Someone's been spending too much time with Minerva."

"Not the point and so off track!"

"If you didn't backstab me then what? What could you have possibly been doing that required Narcissa to be in the room? Huh?"

He goes quiet. "Well???"

Finally he responds. "I backstabbed the dark lord. He wanted to make Draco Malfoy a death eater and I shipped Draco to a program at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for potions because he wasn't 'following my orders' and 'needed his grades up'. I did it to save Draco. That's why he wasn't in class last week. All Narcissa was there for was to return the favor by helping me get you out of that house. I knew the death eaters were still someone on the premises and I couldn't get you out on my own. When I woke up I was terrified they had killed you. Luckily your little act saved me from being in too much suspicion of the lord. He's so dense he thought I was keeping you in there for safe keeping because you were too feisty. And when I saw you again and your engagement ring was off I wanted to kill myself for making you ever not trust me. I'm not Dane, love. I was trying to save you."

I sat there processing as his eyes pleaded with me to understand and forgive him. Then he pulled out one thing.

The ring.

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