Chapter 66

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The sun never rolls in on May 2nd 1998. Even the weather knows that today is not a day for sunshine and rainbows. I kiss my girls good morning and goodbye. I will not let them become orphans today, I promise myself that much.

From a secret owl flown in, the battle has started. The injured count is rising rapidly along with the death count. My heart aches knowing I might not find Severus alive.

I take the long way to Hogwarts. Knowing that if I rush, I could blow this whole thing out of the water. But I can't sit idle at home either. So once I'm out of the security bubble of our cabin, I apparate to Hogsmead.

With a disguise covering my features, I make my way into a deserted and horrid plaza. Children scamper from one place to another on occasion but nothing else catches the eye. Solemnly, I make my way to Hogwarts without a carriage.

The battle rampages onwards still. Loud enough to be heard for miles. I sneak my way onto campus, avoiding everyone and keeping to the shadows. On the ground a few feet ahead is a tuff of red hair. My heart leaps into my throat. As I get closer, there's thankfully nothing attached.

Holding back a gasp of relief I continue climbing over rubble. A loud bang occurs farther into the school and I freeze. A large group of death eaters emerge cackling. I reach into my bag and pull out a magic ball.

Throwing it towards them, the ball breaks against the ground and dust consumes them. Their wands go flying and shouts of confusion rise from the group. I take my chance and multiple unforgivable curses bless my lips.

Deeming that the building itself isn't the safest place to look for Severus yet, I decide to look for refuge in an outer building.

I make my way down to the boat house, a smaller building on the edge of campus. No one can be seen near the building so I make a break for it.

"Hey!" A voice calls from behind me. A voice I would know anywhere as it still haunts my dreams. My hand deviantly reaches inside the bag, pulling out the hand gun. Already loaded and ready to fire, I spin around and cock the trigger.

Bang Bang

They're muffled but still loud in my hand. Lucius's face turns from confusion, to anger, to shock, and finally into agony. A perfect symphony to soothe a wounded soul.

"You." He snarls as his knees begin to buckle. "I... knew" he spits up blood into his hand and his pupils dilate from shock. "Damn you.. Sever-" with a gurgling sound he drops to his knees and crumples to the ground dead. Even with my disguise, he knew who killed him.

Satisfaction blooms in my chest but I know I can't stand still this long. It's only then that I see movement close by. I dash the last few feet to the boat house and climb up into a hidden hole in the wall. With a silent spell I hide myself even more.

I can hear quiet voices outside the boathouse whispering but I can't make out what they're saying.

Suddenly the door flings open and the dark lord barrels in with Severus. My heart drops. Elder wand? What is going on? Severus moves and I get a good look at him. He looks like a disaster.

"Does the wand truly answer to me? You're a clever man Severus; surely you must know. Where does it's true loyalty lie?"

"With you. Of course, my lord."

"The elder wand cannot serve me properly because, I am not it's true master. The Elder wand belongs to the person who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live the Elder wand cannot truly, be mine."

I place my hand over my mouth to muffle the emotions rising.

"You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever."

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