Chapter 57

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The three of us sit at a light oak wood dining table with a large meal sitting atop of it. Clint and Wendy having an argument over what kind of candy is better and I honestly think that Wendy was winning.

"Momma! Tell Clint that Fizzy Pops are better than his stupid jelly beans."

"It's his opinion it's not stupid. But I prefer chocolate frogs over fizzy pops or jelly beans." Clint smirks at me subtly and then goes back to his argument causing me to laugh under my breath.

After dinner, I take Wendy to her own room for the first time in months. If I'm supposedly dead, that means my parents have Wendy so she's safe to enjoy her life and her own room now.

Clint cleans up dinner while I clean up Wendy. She enjoys a nice bubble bath before putting her pjs on and brushing her teeth. I let her play with toys for about half an hour before tucking her into bed, kissing her forehead, and turning out the lights.

She adjusts rather easily and sleeps through the night.

After turning out her lights I walk back to the kitchen where Clint is. He's sitting at the small breakfast table in the corner with his hands covering his face.

I walk to his side and cautiously put my hand on his shoulder. A sob breaks from his lips at the contact and he shudders beneath my hand.

"Oh Clint." I whisper. He looks up at me with tear tracks running over his cheeks. He looks sad but also bewildered at himself.

He stands up and wraps his arms around me in a hug. "How could anyone want to hurt that precious bundle of joy?" He whispers against me.

"I have no idea." I admit back. "She's my whole world and the sweetest and most wholesome person I've ever met. I'm trying to soak it all in until she's a teenager." I joke. He chuckles through the tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so insensitive. How are you holding up? Your fiancé doesn't know you exist and all your friends and family think you're dead."

"I'm relived to tell the truth. I can let Wendy live her life in freedom and bring Henley into this world without a worry except for her safety."

"You're so selfless, how can you only be focused on your kids right now?"

"Men have let me down my whole life Clint, but a mother's love will always provide protection. My babies come before anything else I'm this world."

"You're amazing for that. You've always been amazing but I don't think I ever told you."

"I know." I wink at him and we both laugh.

"The parchment and pen are in the study like you asked. I'm not so sure a letter to a friend is the smartest decision but I know not to question you."

"Thank you." I squeeze him tightly into a quick embrace and then head off to the study. The parchment and pen is right where he said it would be and I sit down to write.

Dear Minerva, I'm pleased to admit that our arrival was successful and that everything has gone smoothly. I wish you the best of luck as I have very few ways to hear of your news. I'll hopefully update you in a few weeks. Only time will tell at this point. Faraway hugs <3
-An old friend

I made it as vague as possible but she'll know. Hopefully Clint will be able to get the message to her without a hitch.

I walk back to the kitchen and hand him the letter neatly folded into an envelope. "Here, you know what to do?" He smiles and nods at me. He cleaned himself up while waiting for me. He's dressed for cold weather and has removed all signs of crying from his face.

"Of course. I won't let you down."

"You couldn't even if you tried. Be safe Clint, it's dangerous there now."

"Oh you know me." He winks. "Careful as a feather and stealthy as a cat." I chuckle and pull him into a bear hug. "I love you. Don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too. If you die I'll kill you." He nods and walks to the fireplace.

"If I die I'll haunt you." A single tear slips from his eye as he steps back into the soot. "You'll see a little cat walking to and fro every where you look but everyone else will think you're crazy." He mocks.

"Maybe I am crazy."

"Maybe?" He asks with a laugh. "Most definitely. See you later bestie."

"See ya dork."

"Diagon Alley!" And he was off, intermixing with the witches and wizards. He better be careful, if he gets caught, they'll kill him for certain.

I finish cleaning up the house and lock up. I turn all the lights off on the way to Wendy's room. It was right across the hall from mine. Almost too far away for comfort but she's safe. I smile at the closed door as I hear her little snore from inside. It's very short and quiet but I can hear it.

I relax at knowing she's safe and then I open my door and close it behind me. I walk to the closet and pull out a pair of lighter pajamas. I slide them on and finish getting ready for bed.

Once I'm all cleaned up and unraveled, I climb into the big bed all by myself and I just cry and cry and cry. I let every little emotion in my body out and sob.

Wendy is my priority, but if I can't hold in my emotions than we have a problem so I get it all out here and now. That way, we can move on. Move on to bigger and better.

I fall to sleep eventually, my eyes running dry. The sweet soft sigh of the house settling acting as my lullaby.

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