Abbort mission repeat abort mission

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I wake up at about 10am and decide to take a shower first thing to wake me up. I have my shower play list on ( as per usual) and I'm shouting the lyrics to every song. Once I've shampooed&conditioned my hair and washed myself I jump out of the shower. I dry myself off then walk into my bed room still completely nude. I grab my new infinity top and my denim shorts with a kinda designed rips on it, I also grab some turquoise shoes, headband and a ring. I apply abit to of make which consists of some powder a light coat of mascara and some blusher and fill in my eyebrows. I then dry my hair and straighten it to make it look perfect. Let me say that right now I'm literally on point like my hair,make up and outfit are looking fine today score. I take a quick selfie because like I said I'm looking hot af. I upload it to Insta with the caption ' life's like a camera focuse on the important things and you'll capture it perfectly.' I then make myself a delicious smoothie and a bowl of fruit and a pancake for breakfast. By the time I finish breakfast and tidy around the house it's about 12/1pm so I decide to head into town to get a game at GameStop. I had completely forgot I blew off sack saying I was going to a friends. So I was walking through town looking amazing as usually duh💁🏼💁🏻😂. I decided to stop and grab a coffee at Starbucks. After I get my coffee I head towards GameStop. There's a little alleyway that you have to go through. It's a short cut from Starbucks. Down the alleyway it leads to a park and if you walk past the park you'll reach GameStop. So anyways I was walking to GameStop with my lovely coffee, got my game was super happy blah blah. Then as I was walking back past the park to go through the alleyway but who was there no other then zack and a group of his friends. Great. "Please don't recognise me please don't recognise me please just let me past" I say to myself as I try to avoid him and get past as fast as possible. As I try walk past as unnoticeable as possible it was all going fine till my legs decided it be fun to give up on me and make m trip.Shit I bet his seen me now I got figure out an excuse I case his seen me. Everyone hears me crash and all look over. I get up off the floor. Please God say he hasn't seen me. I just continue walking till I hear footsteps behind me and someone calling. " Hey, Lola wait up you left your bag" shit it's zack and the bag he had is from GameStop with Fifa in it shut shit shit. I continue walking pretending not to here him. He runs up towards me and walks beside me great. "Hey, you left your bag back there when you fell. Are you ok or did you get hurt?" He asks breaking the silence. He hands me back my bag and I say thanks. I turn to look at him." Am yeah thanks I am I umm I'm not hurt I'm fine?" It came out more of a question because I wasn't sure if I was ok like I was physically but mentally I wasn't. " Well that's good I guess. I thought you said you were at your friends house. Was that an excuse so you didn't have to hang out with me?" Shit his on to me abort mission repeat abort mission. I feel like running away and changing my name, move to an isolated island where I can't humiliate myself but my legs are stuck to the floor and I can't move. He doesn't break eye contact with me this whole time." Do you want the whole truth or half of it." I laugh awkwardly trying to break the worked cause he smiled after I said that. " The whole truth please. Wait lets go bCk to the park and seat somewhere and talk ya?" He asks. I nod and we turn around and walk back towards the park after we talk I'll say I need to get home because I need to babysit my cousin or something like that. We decided to sit on the swings because zack friends went off to some café to get food. " So will you tell me why you made up an excuse" he asks once we sit down on the swing.
" Okay so when I heard that this new game was coming out soon I decided to save up for it and this was way before I ever knew you and today it came out and I wasn't gonna not get it but I didn't want you to know because before I changed myself to fit in boys or even girls never spoke to me so if you found out that I have a ps 4 and a Xbox I thought you wouldn't want to be friends anymore. I know it's stupid and I'm sorry I blew you off" I huff and zack just laughs at me.
"Lola the video game that you got, I love it but none my friends that are girls ever want to play it. I would never stop being friends with you over that ever ok? Now since that's out the way do you wanna get some pizza or something?" He asks me. Ok noes the time to make an excuse to leave." Oh and Lola don't even think about making up some excuse because it wasn't a question your getting pizza with me now come on" he laughs and grabs my hand as we run to the pizza plaza. Well I guess I'm getting pizza with zack."wait zack what if your friends don't like me" I say anxiously. "They will" he tells me. Reassuring me as we sit down and order pizza. All his friends pile in the door and join us. They don't speak to me then just have a chat amongst themselves. When the pizzas came I ate all mine and half zack said because he was full."omg look at that girl she ate like 1 and 1/2 pizzas no wonder she's fat." One of the girls who was the same size as me my I add said to another who agreed with her. I'm very insecure about my weight so to here that made me upset. I got up from the table and walked out not being able for this physically or mentally. "Lola wait up don't listen to them." Zack says running after me. He grabs my hand and walks me towards the swings again.
"Lola there just jealous because they've been friends with me for ages and you've only met me yet I tell everyone that your my best friend not because I'm a freak, I say your my best friend because ever since we spoke I felt a connection. Why that sounds so stupid I'm sorry" zack says as his face goes red as a tomato. I chuckle at his embarrassment. I don't no what came over me but I got this feeling to hug zack do I did." Well zack we are beasties haha" he hugs me back. It was quite uncomfortable considering I was on one swing and he was on the other and with the chains that connect the swing to the pole sticking into me mad it worse.
(Hey guys this probably isn't as long as I want it to be but sure oh well. Hopefully I will be updating my other book called fix me later. I just got back from school and I was updating this I hope you like it I don't know who plays as zack yet maybe comment who you think should play him it's up to you😂 I have soccer later so my other book won't be updated till later)

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