valentine's day*-sfk

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I started this one way, then it went in a completely different direction. Pretty much, I had two different fics, but I wanted to add salt to the wound so I put them together instead. This was also 10 full pages single space.

Warnings: 18+, explicit sexual content, swearing

Word count: 4805

"I'm the hottest piece of action here and look at me. I'm single on Valentine's Day."

Sam took a seat on the couch with a huff. The club music was not helping his nerves. On the dance floor below were his brothers with their dates, taking shots after shots and enjoying the moment. The holiday was technically the day after tomorrow but being a Monday, the group wanted to go out on Saturday night.

"Look at me, Sam. I'm in the same boat with you." You were just as bored. As the designated driver, you stuck to virgin cocktails and water.

He scoffed. "You're in a relationship though."

You ignored him, trying to focus on the song bursting through the speakers. The intense volume and maxed out bass line made it hard to discern. It was with Tik Tok or California Girls, or maybe even a mash up of the two. The relationship he was talking about was... rocky to say the least. Overseeing the schedule for four grown men wasn't really what you had in mind when you earned your degree in music production, but it was a job, nonetheless. The distance from your long-term boyfriend and your proximity to four attractive rockstars drove a wedge between you that only grew with time.

"How is he, by the way?" Sam pressed.

"Fine, I guess. I haven't talked to him." You stared ahead, trying to discern if the girl hanging on Josh's shoulder was welcomed or not. Sam pushed further, to which you shrugged. The third time he asked, you snapped on him. "Because touring with four guys isn't something that a guy wants his girlfriend doing."

Sam snorted. "But nothing has ever happened. Right?"

You kissed Josh twice. Once after a show, he grabbed your face and brought your lips to his. It was a blur of excitement and adrenaline, you convinced yourself. Two weeks later, after a few too many drinks, it happened again. Everything fizzled out that night, Josh knowing about your committed relationship. With a meek apology, he retreated to his room. A fruit basket and a vase of flowers appeared in your office the next day. The subject was never brought up again, completely forgotten. You came clean to your boyfriend, telling Spencer that it was nothing more and was completely out of your system. In all honesty, you wouldn't have blamed him if he broke up with you right then and there. Instead, he just sighed, and asked you to refrain from kissing anyone again. The promise stuck, but the aftereffects were worse. Spencer became much more clingy, double, or sometimes triple texting you if you didn't answer right away. If he couldn't reach you after a third text, he would call or text someone he knew would be able to get ahold of you. Despite being across the country, you had never felt more strangled in your life. This week was a boiling point. All he wanted as for you to come home. Valentine's Day doubled as your anniversary. You declined, having far too much work to do in preparation for the upcoming band events. He scoffed, abruptly hanging up.

"Holy shit," Sam guffawed. "What did you do?"

"Kissed Josh. Twice."

All Sam did was try to pull the story from you. Already disliking the night, retelling the feeling of shame and guilt was almost a crueler punishment than not being able to drink. While you hated sitting on the couches in clubs, there was nothing else besides sitting with Sam for the night.

It felt like years by the time the night began to wrap up. The twins were stumbling, the bartenders cutting them off and serving them regular coke, water, and virgin cocktails. They were so drunk that they could no longer tell the difference, laughing with each other. Herding them together was a somewhat difficult task. The easiest system was leaving one at the door, returning for the next one until you could wrangle all of them. Getting Josh home was surprisingly easy. Jake was a struggle. You practically had to drag him from the club, Danny helping you keep him walking straight. Josh held onto Sam, slurring into his ears and stopping twice to dry heave into the gutters. After putting Jake on the edge of his bed, his hand against the garbage bin, you were finally off duty. Danny took an uber home, taking a box of frozen waffles and a water bottle with him.

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