tested 2-sfk

49 1 0

warnings: needles, anaphylactic shock

Sam knew he fucked up the moment he saw that you were still in the parking lot. He wasn't even sure why he took Nick to the geneticist. He obviously saw his genes in the little boy. He also saw little things like the way the corner of his lip curled when he smiled, just like how Jake and Ronnie's lip did. He saw the little twinkle in his eyes that Josh got when they were excited. But maybe he always saw these things because he wanted to see them.

He also saw you in him. He noticed how Nick's brows would furrow when he was focused. When Sam would offer him sugary drinks, he was hesitant, quoting you when he politely denied.

"I've already had two, Sam," he would say before asking for water.

There was just a little seed of doubt that was planted in his mind the day he saw you at the Winter Carnival. He couldn't believe it when the little boy ran, clung to your legs, and called you 'mommy.' He felt his heart twinge at the thought of being with someone else. Then he noticed the look of panic in your eyes.

Spending time with Nick was intimidating at first. He was nervous to see him, but once he thought of him as his son and making up for lost time, he found it easier. When you agreed to let him take him out places, Sam was over the moon. His elation only grew when his family treated him like the grandson they never had.

The entire time, there was a little voice in the back of his mind telling him that there was something wrong with the situation. He didn't pay any attention to it until Nick's first day of school. Sam was scared when you came by, scolding him for taking his own son out of school.

"You're not his father!" echoed in his mind, making that voice chant a little louder.

He was hurt at the outburst. The rational side of his brain knew that you had a point. He should have told you that he was taking Nicky out for the day.

By the time he was over it, Sam felt like garbage, leaving town to see his brothers again. Josh was the one who delivered a little bit of tough love.

"Maybe she really is just trying to screw you over."

Sam was offended. "Y/N's not like that."

Josh tried to backtrack, but it was too late. He'd already fertilized, watered, and placed a grow lamp over the seed. "I know that. I've known her longer than you. What I'm saying is that no one ever knows another person's intentions."

In that moment, Sam began researching anything that had to do with DNA testing. The internet made it easy for him to create an appointment. He wanted to bribe Nicky into silence, buy him a new toy or a new backpack, but nothing could take his attention away from his Wild Safari Birthday Bash at the zoo.

The results appeared in his email five days later. Sam couldn't stand to go home and face his brothers. He also couldn't go North without bringing new Nick stories to his parents, so he stayed in his apartment alone and mulled over the results. He officially has a son, and his mother didn't want you anywhere near either of them.

The day of the field trip/birthday party came. The October air was crisp, but it would warm up later in the day. Sam brought Nick's backpack. The usual things were packed, like his EpiPen and coloring books. He stuffed a jacket and umbrella, having checked the forecast recently and seeing rain. He met the bus out front, counting the kids as they came off. He talked to the teacher, conversing about the day's activities.

"Sam!" Nicky shouted, jumping off the last step and running into his arms.

You were the last off the bus. "Chaperoning. Lucy's mom dropped out last minute."

Sam smiled. "Let's just forget about it for today."

You sighed and agreed. "But we're going to talk about it later." Your turned around to the group of first graders you were in charge of. "Group three! If you're with me, we're going to have so much fun. So much more than the other groups!"

Even though you were all staying together, it was easier to take charge of smaller groups. You walked with the rest of your buddies while Sam walked ahead with his group, including Nick. You envied him a little bit, seeing how excited Nicky was. Every time he saw something cool, he would grip Sam's hand.

Despite coming on the trip angry and still upset with Sam, you saw how good they were together. You thought about it from an outside perspective. Sam was thinking about himself, and you didn't really have a right to be so, so angry. You would have done it if you were in his shoes too.

Everything went swimmingly until lunch. You sat with group three, separating the food while Sam sorted things out with the staff. The teacher controlled the kids, helping them pick out their orders at the kiosk. After the meals were finished, you were helping the other two adults clean up and the kids were all crowded around the ice cream cart that Sam sprung for. You winced when they came out, wondering how you were going to afford to pay him back.

"Ms. Y/N, there's something wrong with Nicholas."

You panicked, dropping the tray of trash you were holding. You walked over to Nick, letting out a sob when you saw the ice cream in front of him topped with nuts. You laid him down on the bench. You tried to stay calm.

"Someone call a medic or an ambulance." Your voice wavered as you tried to find his EpiPen. "Nicky, stay calm."

Sam kneeled beside you as the teacher gathered the kids over to the gorilla enclosure. A staff member's walkie talkie gurgled, asking for her location in the park. Sam tucked his hair behind his ears, focusing on Nick. His breathing was labored, and his eyes were wide. You panicked, dumping the contents of your purse, feeling your breath shorten and heart rate pick up.

Without making a noise, he pulled off his backpack. He dug through the bag and fished out the orange and blue stick. "Nick, son, this might sting, but I promise that you're going to feel a lot better," he cooed, uncapping the stick.

His eyes clasped shut as he injected Nick. Almost immediately, Nick calmed down. You ruffled his hair, finally feeling the tears on your cheeks. A paramedic pushed you away from the bench. Sam wrapped his arms around you, helping you stay steady as they put Nick on a gurney. He only left you for a moment to gather the contents of your purse and putting them in your bag before helping place it on your shoulder.


"Just go," he said. "I'll take over your group."

The ride to the hospital wasn't as bad as you thought. Nick was conscious. He didn't completely understand the severity of the situation, but he understood that he was alright. The waiting around in the emergency room was alright. Because he was at risk of going into shock again, he had to stay monitored. He was back to himself in no time. Nurses filtered in and out, checking his vitals before leaving again.

"Hey, hey," Sam said softly, opening the curtain. "Sorry for the suckish birthday, little man."

Nick shrugged it off. "I want to go back to the zoo."

"Some other time," Sam chuckled. His eyes flicked towards you. "Can I talk to your mom outside?"

You followed him into the hallway, flashing a funny face to Nicky for a moment. Once you were face to face with Sam, you felt the waterworks start again. "Sam, you saved his life."

He waved you off. "I would have done it, my son or not. And now I know that he is and I am so sorry."

You apologized for your own secret. Telling him how Nicky would sit by the window waiting for Sam to come by. "I was awful for putting you both through it."

He pulled you into a tight embrace. "I get it. I get it." He sniffed back his own tears. "You can make it up to me by going out to dinner with me. All of us, together at one time. Like a real family."

You thought it over. "Of course."

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