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Sam stood between his brothers, his arms outstretched, ready to stop another fight from erupting. Danny was grabbing tissues from the box, shoving them into Jake's hands, silently panicking. In the years that they had known each other, worked together, there had never been a fight like this, one fueled by rage. Sam relaxed, trying to work solutions in his mind. With Karen rushing into the room, both would stay relatively calm. Sure, the twins had fought before, punched, and kicked at each other, even thrown things, but the crazed look in Josh's eyes proved that he wasn't backing down. Everyone knew that it was different this time. Jake wasn't fighting back, rather standing behind Sam for protection.

Sam had been messing around with Danny by the piano when Josh stormed in. Jake was sitting on the couch quietly, minding his own business when Josh yanked him up by his collar. The first punch was a test to see if Jake would fight back. When Jake's hands landed on his brother's shoulders, roughly pushing him away, Josh's second punch was the one that caused the blood to spill. Danny physically had to pull the older brother off, practically carrying him to the other side of the room. Jake had scrambled away, clutching his nose. There hadn't been a single word spoken until their mother walked in.

"What happened?" Karen demanded. Everyone had flashbacks to their childhood. But she had a right to be angry that her sons had not only fought but also shattered two collectible vases and knocked a painting from the wall.

"He just came in and sucker punched me," Jake snapped, clutching the tissues to his nose.

"Why would you do that?" Their mother asked, hands on her hips.

"He kissed Y/N. That's why she moved the wedding date!"

As if an anvil had been dropped, everyone froze. The room fell silent. Karen looked between the twins, her brain trying to work out if she heard him correctly. Josh was still huffing, tears of anger in his eyes but he was refusing to let them fall. Jake looked like he was going to crumble in on himself, a strange look on his face. Sam and Danny shared a look.

"Why would you kiss Y/N?" Karen asked softly, trying to get a better look at Jake's nose. She winced at the sight of his bruising face.

Jake shrugged. "I don't know?" It came out more of a question than an answer. "It just happened. She was freaking out about everything and I didn't know how to stop her-"

"You calm her down!" Josh shouted. "You take her hand, give her a hug but you jumped in and kissed my fiancée!"

Jake was beating himself up on the inside, and he had been for a week. Josh stormed from the room, his hands shakily looking for Y/N's contact. "You have reached Y/N Y/L/N, soon to be Kiszka," her voice giggled through the speaker. "Please leave a message with your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!" The tone signaling that his phone was recording was hell for Josh to hear. The second worst thing he'd heard in his life, after hearing that his twin brother kissed his fiancée.

The wedding was set for this weekend, everything already done. Y/N, on Monday morning, called Josh in tears, wanting to wait. Even though their official engagement was short, a little bit less than six months to be exact, Josh knew the day he met her that he wanted to marry. To people like him, it meant a lot, a complete life change to have someone waiting for him at home. So, he did what any sensible groom would do, and began cold calling the guests, stating that the wedding would be postponed for a later, undetermined date. It wasn't until last night, Thursday, that Jake had come clean. Josh was tipsy, leaning on his brother for support, asking questions that he didn't want answered for fear of being broken once again. Does she not love me? Is she getting cold feet? Did I do something wrong?

The mildly happy couple hadn't seen each other since Sunday morning. Josh thought that keeping his distance, giving Y/N some time to think and come up with an answer would do both good. Sam had been adamant, practically pushing Josh to be proactive in winning his bride back. Danny hadn't formed an opinion, just telling Josh to follow his heart and instincts, quite unhelpful in his opinion. So, Jake was the only plausible option. Instead of giving him a shoulder to cry on, he pushed his older brother up slightly. "If I tell you something, you have to promise not to be upset."

In the back of his mind, Josh knew something happened between them. It was too coincidental that on the same night, both seemingly fell from the face of the Earth. His instincts weren't telling him how to react with Y/N, but rather with Jake. He'd noticed it all week, the way he shifted uncomfortably when Josh walked in. He knew it all by the way Jake avoided eye contact, rather looking anywhere but the general direction of Josh. When the bomb exploded, Josh's ears rang, his brother's words echoing in his mind. He instantly sobered up, wordlessly walking away. Jake was just as speechless, unsure of what to do now that his brother knew the awful thing he'd done.

Y/N on the other hand, on the other side of the city, had spent the week in tears, her phone turned off and the doors to her apartment locked. Having the heart to heart with Josh over the phone was the worst moment of her life. The decision to postpone the nuptials was made the moment Jake pulled away, her cheeks still in his hands, eyes scanning her face for a reaction. She called off work, feigning illness. She also retracted her vacation time, promising to be there the week she was supposed to be with her new husband. The honeymoon would not be happening either. Maybe Danny and Mackenzi would enjoy a week in a secluded cabin in the Appalachian Mountains.

The spur of the moment kiss between Jake and Y/N was an act of desperation. While she loves Josh and always will, the idea that she kissed his twin brother one week before the wedding was enough to make her life crash and burn. The kiss was just meant to shut her up, but six years' worth of emotion was there, and it was something that would take ages to unravel. To begin opening the box of goodies, she'd have to sit with Jake, and there was no way she would be able to do that anytime soon.

The panic had begun to set in that weekend. Family members were sending congratulations with seven days left until she was no longer Y/N Y/L/N. All the arrangements were seemingly finished. Who would try to put a wedding together in six months and expect it to be perfect? Y/N would. She had binders full of inspiration, pictures of wedding dresses and color schemes she'd seen over the years. But Sunday night also brought Jake over to her apartment. She was moving in with Josh, this being her last weekend as a single woman. In turn, Jake would be taking over Y/N's lease, moving into the spacious apartment. Her apartment was bigger than his and he wanted the peace and quiet from his rowdy neighbors. He was planning on taking measurements of the rooms and doors, trying to make the move in easier. He found her pacing in the living room, practically creating a trench in the floor.

"Are you alright?" He asked, half joking with her.

She turned to him with tear filled eyes. "No! Everything is wrong! Sam is vegan, and I'm serving chicken! And now my dress- Josh saw a magazine and said he liked the silk, slim fit one and I picked a ball gown." She sniffed. "I just want it to be perfect!"

"Y/N, it doesn't matter. You're going to look-"

"But he's going to hate it! Josh let me pick all the colors and the centerpieces and the Chiavari chairs, what if when he sees them, he loses his mind? He said that white accent flowers were fine, and fine is not fine at all. Fine means that he hates it. And my dress is white! He's going to hate my dress, Jake. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't get married."

Jake was taken aback by her bluntness. The mascara running down her cheeks and the sloppy ponytail was out of character for her, and he was growing increasingly worried. He pulled her in for a hug, trying to get her to see the rational part of things. Instead, she pulled away and ranted over him.

"I can't get married unless it's perfect," she cried, throwing the countless pages of inspiration from magazines and newspapers in the garbage. The sample centerpieces shattered against the floor. Jake rushed to her side, urging her to stop. Seeing as she was still shaking and crying, he did the unthinkable and kissed her. His hands landed on her cheeks, holding her to him for a moment. Her body stopped trembling for a few seconds as her brain tried to comprehend the sudden loss of thought. Realizing what just happened, Jake pulled away. His hands dropped to his sides. He prepared himself for a slap, more tears, just any reaction Y/N could muster up. She was completely frozen, standing like a deer in the headlights. Jake started to say something, but instead, he quietly left the apartment, closing the door behind him. He walked to his apartment slowly, head hung in shame.

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