i fell-jmk

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"Stay out of stressful situations," she said. "As long as you do that, take your vitamins, and stay safe, you'll be fine."

"Thank you, Doctor Castello," you said, taking the pamphlet and the prescription for vitamins.

You called Josh, filling him in on the details from the appointment on your way out of the clinic. He listened intently, eating his lunch on the other side of the phone. He'd been working himself to the bone, trying to create the perfect song.

Staying stress-free was easier said than done. With four man-children running around, you noticed keeping yourself away from them when they were getting crazy. They found it weird, but they understood after Josh explained it to them. While his brothers took a step back and kept themselves in line, they were still young at heart. Especially with Josh, his antics alone were enough to raise your blood pressure. On top of this was the stress of moving. The apartment you'd been living in was not big enough for you, Josh, and a baby. The place had two rooms, one of which was Josh's studio from home when he needed it. He wasn't willing to give up his office, at least not permanently. While you could have made it work for a while, Josh took point in finding a new abode.

To keep yourself busy, you'd been packing up unnecessary things like the small decorations and seasonal items. Despite the bump weighing you down, you dragged box after box of donations to the hallway. You paid the teenagers who lived in the building to take the boxes to the donation center down the street. Once Josh noticed what you were doing, he enlisted his brothers to help you. Again, you could have done it alone if you weren't pregnant, but it was also nice to see everyone. They carried furniture all the way down to the moving van and unloaded it, all for the price of dinner.

Waking up in the newest house was a shock that took a moment to get used to. The only things set up at this moment were the big pieces of furniture. You dug through a box for clothes. Josh had obviously done the same, his suitcase looking like it threw up on the floor in the corner of the room. He left a breakfast sandwich on the nightstand with a decaf coffee. You did some work, sending some e-mails while simultaneously trying to plan the day.

About two hours ago, you decided to get some of the unpacking done. All the pots and pans were still in boxes, wrapped in layer after layer of bubble wrap. Despite begging Jake to label the boxes, he forgot. You couldn't blame him. After living in your own apartment for years, you'd accumulated so much stuff and now you were still trying to do a final purge before. About forty minutes ago, you dropped a picture frame between the boxes. You bent down, squeezing yourself between the boxes while trying to retrieve it. Instead, the baby in your belly shifted, causing you to wince. Over the last eight months, your center of gravity has shifted, making you clumsier than usual. You lost your balance, getting lodged between the boxes. You were able to flip yourself over, your back on the floor. Knowing Josh would freak, you tried to push the box on your right. Instead, the box on top of it fell, the corner of it a few inches from falling on your face. With a sigh, you yelled out to your phone that was on top of the box on your left. "Hey Siri... call Josh."

"Hey, what's up?" He greeted. "Did you miss me?"

"Um, Josh?" Your voice was distant, echoing in the empty house. "I fell."

Jake had never seen a smile leave his brother's face so fast. They were all waiting for their producer to come back. Jake was inside the recording booth, surrounded by amps and wires that took far too long to walk around. He watched through the glass as Josh almost slammed into Sam coming back from the vending machine. Danny raised his hands in confusion, looking at Jake for an answer.

Josh raced home, blowing past yellow lights and even a red light that he swore changed too fast. His commute was only a third of the usual time it took him to get home. Hearing your voice from far away scared the daylights out of him. He left his car door open, the engine running. He didn't care, just happy that he was home. He entered through the garage, practically jumping over the boxes that were yet to be unpacked. Once in the kitchen, he took in the scene. Ingredients were taken out of the fridge and pantry, but you were nowhere to be seen.

"Y/N?" he shouted, "where are you?"

"Over here."

He followed your voice, seeing your feet on the floor between two boxes in the living room.

He moved the box from above your head, setting it on the floor. He scooted the box on your right, revealing him to you. Josh grabbed your arm, helping you up. "Y/N, what were you thinking?"

"I got hungry," you huffed, the weight of the baby pulling at your lower back again. "Then I got stuck."

"Why didn't you call me to get the box?" He scanned your face for injuries. Finding none, he hugged you anyway. "You're so hardheaded," he sighed. "But I am so glad you're safe."

"Josh, I was on that floor for an hour. You know I love your hugs, but if you don't let me go, this baby is going to make a mess."

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