on the mend-sfk

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Bond Broken pt. 2 hehe. I promised that it would be done earlier but it's okay.

Warning: explanation of complications with childbirth, blood

Sam stayed the night with Jake after you kicked him out. He didn't even call ahead. He just used his key and crashed on the couch. Jake wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't nearly sat on his younger brother.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still recovering from the heart attack he almost had.

"I couldn't make it home," he lied.

In an attempt to make it a little more believable, he went to the cabinet in the kitchen that housed the Advil and Gatorade, Jake's hangover cure cabinet. Sam would much rather have his brother think he'd been too drunk to make it all the way home than the truth. He didn't even want to admit the truth to himself:

His pregnant wife kicked him out for cheating.

"I've got to go home," he said, leaving with a quick thank you.

Even Jake found it weird, but he didn't question it. Instead, he went on with his day, assuming that he went home.

You'd been a little disappointed in Sam lately. While he said he was ready to commit and start a family, taking the steps to propose and tie the knot, he wasn't ready to stop the party life. He wanted that youth to last forever with his soulmate at his side, taking shot after shot with him, proving to everyone that love does exist. You'd gotten pregnant much sooner than anticipated, and Sam made a promise to calm down. The only issue was that he couldn't even reach the promise.

Sam spent the entire day wandering the streets. He watched a movie at a movie theater, bought lunch and ate it in a park on a bench. He considered going to visit Danny and to charge his phone, but he was probably busy. His phone died a little while ago and he was just alone with his thoughts, sulking like a weirdo. He walked around deep in thought, thinking of what to say when he finally had the balls to go home.

He'd seen the picture that you were so mad about and was instantly disgusted with himself. At the time, it wasn't a big deal. The girl he was standing with was one of the stagehands and saved Sam from having a mishap on stage, warning him of the pyrotechnics they were thinking of putting into the show. Witnesses painted an elaborate photo, much more intimate than what was really going on. There had been rumors for months that the two of you had broken up, but the two of you were as connected as ever. After learning that you were with child, you took a step back from the spotlight. Instead of running around the country with them and attending every show, you stayed home and slowed down. The wedding was in secret, even from his siblings for a few weeks. It was a spur of the moment decision, all done on a laptop. The two of you went down to the courthouse, met with a judge and the rest is history.

You welcomed the change of pace, ready to take the next step in life. Your job had given you an office and a multitude of benefits that would be stupid to turn down. Sam hadn't adapted so well. Despite being gone for weeks at a time and then when he was home, he was dragging you out to bars or concerts or some other kind of event with tons of people and booze.

Nights like those were the ones that you brought up in the fight you had a week before he left. You were three weeks from your due date and felt like a house. None of your clothes fit right anymore and your ankles were so swollen. Pregnancy had not been kind, but Sam still saw you as the beautiful woman you were before. He wanted to go out again, this time to someone's house party.

"C'mon, Y/N," he whined, tossing a dress your way. "Just for a few hours!"

You shook your head. "You go."

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