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warnings: sexual content, nothing too graphic, but be warned

Things got heavy fast. It all started in the kitchen where you were wearing nothing but sweats and a t-shirt. You weren't really planning on anything happening, but Sam had another idea. His hands landed on your hips where you were slicing up an orange. His lips left kissed up and down your neck, tickling when he breathed on your skin.

"What are you doing?" You giggled, shying away and turning around.

"I got us a little gift," he smiled. He backed away and pointed to a small bag on the countertop.

You pulled out the little cardboard box with a red shiny bow tied around it. Untying the ribbon, you were starting to get a little scared but all worried washed away when you opened it. A pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs sat inside, tucked between tissue paper.

"Oh my god!" You squealed, looping one around your wrist. You grabbed the key and unlocked it, testing it out a few times. "We are so using these tonight."

He grabbed your wrist, taking you straight to the bedroom. You stripped off your clothes while Sam did the same, except left his underwear on.

"Lay down," you said.

He did as told and you climbed over him to straddle him. You started grinding your core against him, relishing in the feeling. His eyes fluttered shut, letting his hands roam over you.

It was unclear how neither of you felt the other tugging or looping it around the bed frame. Both of you tried to move at the same time. The clink of metal against metal made both of your eyes shoot open. You looked up at your hands. You each had a cuff around your wrist and the chain was around the back of the bed frame, essentially locking both of you there.

"Y/N?" Sam gulped. "Where's the key?"

You sat up as best you could. "On the dresser."

His gaze trailed over to the dresser where the key sat, waiting patiently to be picked up. The soft glow of the lamps beside the table no longer had the mood set. You stepped off the bed, trying to reach your clothes. The further you tried to reach, the more you tugged on Sam's wrist. He cried out, asking you to stop. You huffed in annoying. If only your legs were an inch or two longer.

"We'll have to call someone," you offered.

Sam was able to reach over to his nightstand and grab his phone. He scrolled through his contacts, looking for someone that would be able to help. Once he did, he put it on speaker. The line trilled four times.

"You haven't reached Danny, but you did reach his phone. Leave a message!"

He groaned. "Do you have anyone that wouldn't give you hell for this?"

You shook your head. The only number you had memorized was for your coworker, but he was out of town on his honeymoon, and the Chinese delivery place, but they were closed by now.

"I am not calling my brothers."

You tugged. "Do you think we could break it? Either the frame or the cuffs?"

Sam looked up. "No way. They're both solid. We'd be lucky to put a dent in it."

You were beginning to lose circulation in your fingertips. "Just call Josh. He seems the most helpful."

He sighed, realizing that you had a point. While he talked to Josh, refusing to give him any details, you were able to free the comforter from where it was tucked.

"I'm at home. I got a little stuck."

"Yes! I just need you to come and help me."

"No! I do not need an ambulance! Chill out."

Then, you were able to take one of the sheets and fold it over Sam's lower half. In less than ten minutes, the security alarm buzzed. Then the beeping ceased as someone entered the code.

"Sam! Are you alright?" Josh asked, his footsteps echoing through the house.

"We're in here!" Sam called.

Josh walked in, quickly shielding his eyes when he saw you kneeling over Sam.

"We're covered," you said, holding the comforter tighter around you. "We just need the key."

Josh dropped his hand, following where Sam was pointing and grabbing the key. Seeing what had happened, he let out a guffaw. He laughed quietly. It wasn't that bad of a position it be caught in, but it wasn't saving you from complete embarrassment either way. It wasn't until Jake came in, also losing his shit at the sight of you and Sam handcuffed around the bed, that your face burned.

"You just had to bring the entire fucking party, huh?" Sam demanded.

Once Jake had settled down, wiping tears from his eyes, he pulled his phone out. "I need to show mom. She should see how her genius ended up."

"No!" You and Sam cried at the same time.

Josh nudged his twin, coming closer with the key. He stepped over the clothes on the ground, refusing to make eye contact. Once his hand touched the cuff, you swatted him away. "Just leave it on the nightstand," you said.

He looked a little worried for a moment. "Really?"

You nodded. "We needed the key. We never said we wanted to get out."

You could feel Sam get hard against your thigh again. He looked at his brothers. "This isn't a free show. Get lost."

Jake and Josh both looked at each other then back at you two who were still staring at them. Jake threw his hands up. "Alright. Be safe."

"That reminds me," you said. "Can you hand me the box from inside the dresser?"

Josh tentatively opened the dresser, pulling out a box you'd decorated. It looked a little ridiculous, but it was fitting. The red shoebox had lace and construction paper glued on. It honestly looked like an elementary schooler's valentine drop box. He set it on the other side of the bed.

"We're out of here," Josh said, pulling Jake from the room.

One of them slammed the door to the bedroom. Once you heard the front door close and the alarm chirp, you peered back down at Sam.

"What's in the box?" He asked.

You raised an eyebrow. "You'll find out soon enough."

Greta Van Fleet ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora