spy 3- sfk

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So here is the finale. I don't know if anyone really liked this series, but I really like how it turned out.

Warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, bruising, etc. Maybe one or two swear words sprinkled in.

Word Count: 5049

Sam stayed into the late hours of the night. He'd told you all bout his life, the dream he'd been living. You fought back tears, proud of him and his family. The two of you joked around. You gave him a tour of the penthouse, the massive spa and game room. Sam was really impressed. The penthouse was like the perfect man cave and the view was phenomenal. Sam made it known that you had your life put together. Thankfully, he was in so much shock and wonder that he didn't bring up the real reason why you ran. Your heart went faster when he walked about his brothers. There was this glint of excitement and pride in his eyes.

Clover came in, giving the usual midnight update of customers and financial projections. Realizing the time, Sam decided to step out. He had to find Jake and take him to the hotel before Josh had both of their heads on spikes. Jake was surprisingly not as drunk as expected. While he was far from sober, he could still walk with minimal guidance. The two made it back to the hotel, meeting up with the brother who was finishing up a new set of lyrics he'd thought of earlier in the day. Jake went straight to the bathroom, running the shower.

"Josh, you're not going to believe it," Sam said excitedly, practically throwing himself on the bed.

Josh barely looked up from his paper, scribbling more ideas down. "You met the love of your life tonight and now you're going to elope, have twenty babies, and live on a farm?"

"I saw Y/N."

Josh's head whipped so fast that Sam was surprised he didn't knock himself out. "Y/N?" He gasped. "Like, our Y/N?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah! It was crazy! Of all places, she's the one who owns Club Enigma." He filled Josh in on all the details he'd learned about your life in the few short hours he'd spent with you. "And then I invited her to the Winter Formal again."

Josh's smile faltered, remembering how wrecked his little brother was when he was stood up. Thankfully, Sam hadn't noticed. Instead, he was staring at the ceiling in wonder, a haze of happiness around him. Jake was still showering; the water running was the only sound in the room.

The following morning, the three brothers drove home. They reunited with their family, sharing the things they'd done since the last time they saw each other. Talk turned to local functions. Once again, Sam was asked if he'd be going. The last one he went to was the one he spent dancing with the elderly women before leaving the event early with a broken heart. This year, Sam smiled and nodded.

"Are you bringing anyone?" Ronnie asked, hoping her younger brother finally would move on.

"Someone special," he smiled.

It was five days until the dance, falling on a Friday this year. Even though they wanted nothing more than to relax and catch up on sleep, it was still their mother's final Winter Formal, and they were determined to make it a good one. So, for the next 48 hours, the three of them drove across the state, looking for the perfect decorations. Jake had put himself in charge of the music, working with the local DJ to create the perfect mix to please everyone. He purposely placed certain songs at certain times. He knew that you would arrive at seven on the dot, queuing a slow song to play soon after your entrance. Josh told him about your return. The two began a scheme, determined to keep you and Sam together this time.

You had gotten into contact with Danny a few times over the years. Jake, Josh, and Sam told each other everything, no matter how many times they swore to keep a secret. Just for a little peace of mind on your end, you sent him a letter. You begged him to not tell them that you had talked to him. The Kiszkas would be greatly offended, and quite possibly come looking for you at the return address. You told Danny that you were fine, maybe not safe, but safe enough to keep them from worrying. He wrote back, thanking you for telling him. He also wrote that they were fine, missing you heaps but still okay. He sent a few photos of the band all together on stage, with other celebrities. The letter was back at the penthouse, tucked in a fireproof safe.

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