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Can I just say that I love City Girls.

Warnings: 18+ only, explicit sexual content

"One shot for courage," Sam said, placing it on the table in front of you.

You took the shot, hoping that there would be more coming. As always, a night out with the band turned into something that you'd never expected. There were so many moments like this where going out for drinks couldn't just be going out for drinks. Jake picked the place tonight, a bar that was practically in the middle of nowhere. He also laughed when he told you he signed you up for the bull-riding competition.

"You're kidding me," you sighed.

"Oh, come on!" Sam laughed. "Your mom showed us the pictures."

The pictures in question were from your high school years, before you met and became friends with the band. Growing up in the middle of the Texas desert, you had nothing to do but embrace the ranch hand lifestyle. Your mother had shown them the scrapbooks of you in Levi's and steel-toed boots on horses or petting cows. College was the one place where you could take them all off and run. Apparently, Jake had a different idea.

"So this is why you texted me about a dress code," you mumbled, leaning into Josh.

Josh placed his hand on your forearm, squeezing lightly. "Give 'em hell."

The timing couldn't have been better. The emcee called your name, patrons whooping as you climbed over the inflatable rim and tried to keep your balance. You swung yourself up onto the, settling in. The hide was itchy against your skin. This bull not only had a horn but also a small amount of rope. Fixing your hold, you settled into the saddle and gave the controller a thumbs up. The bull stuttered, sending vibrations straight to your core. While to an outsider, it looked like your thighs clasped around the bull to not fall off, it was really the shock that got you. You held onto the rope tighter with white knuckles. The controller tried to throw you off, going rougher and jerkier. The more the bull moved, the tighter your grip got.

Sam called out your name, cheering with Jake. Danny was watching with a goofy grin on his face, nearly plastered from the night already. Josh though, he was almost completely sober. The beer he'd been cradling in his hand was only missing a few sips. His eyes were watching you, taking in the way your hair flailed around as the bull turned. He was enjoying it at first, then he noticed the little things.

You rolled your hips against the bull, readjusting yourself as it tilted back then forward again. The hum of the machinery and the seam of your shorts against your clit was like a match made in heaven. You closed your eyes, trying to keep your composure. Thankfully, the music was drowning out the little whimpers and huffs escaping your lips.

"C'mon Y/N, only ten more seconds!" Jake's sudden shout made Josh jump.

Your thighs were tight around the bull. The itchy fur was no longer bothersome, but rather numb against your legs. The buzzer blaring and the lights going crazy pulled you back down to Earth. You opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. Your brain felt like mush from the constant jerking. The final tilt forward, right in front of Josh was his tipping point. The eye contact and sweet smile you gave him sent a deep blush across his cheeks. You thought he was just warm until you realized he had a straight view down your shirt. You smiled wider, but it was interrupted by being roughly tossed back. Paired with your loosened grip, you were sent flying into the air mattress.

"And a new record!" The man shouted, sending the other customers into a frenzy.

Jake jumped into the ring and helped you stand. "Let's go get your prize."

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