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I was cracking up while writing this

warnings: none

Josh's life was beginning to finally come back to normal. After spending two years of his life co-living with who he thought was the love of his life, he was finally getting back into a routine. The life of a bachelor was weird to adjust back into. He moved back into his apartment which had been abandoned for about six months. Thankfully his lease was difficult to get out of, otherwise he would be homeless or couch surfing.

He just finished deep cleaning the entire apartment, something he neglected to do while he was grieving. He'd been eating exclusively from deliveries and when he was invited out to dinner with his brothers, Josh made a bad choice, having left food in the fridge that reeked and clothes in the closet that smelled like nothing but dust. There were opened cereals in the pantry, now stale and inedible. After sweeping, dusting, mopping, and using so many chemicals he was sure he'd just made a nuclear bomb, it was time to take out the garbage and head to the grocery store. He walked the two sacks of trash to the chute at the end of the hall. After double checking he had everything and locked the door, he made the twenty-minute drive to the supermarket.

Josh walked up and down the aisles, looking at the options and wondering how society made it to making Hot Cheeto flavored macaroni and cheese and Fruity Pebble flavored pancake syrup. He started grabbing two of everything or the bigger boxes at first. Then, as he was holding a party sized back of chips, he remembered that he would be eating alone. He put the bag down, trading it for a variety pack of single serve bags. With his cart filled with the necessities, he was walking around aimlessly and trying to kill time. He had no one waiting for him at home and could spend as much time as he wanted.

The thought went through his mind quickly but left a devastating blow. He frowned, suddenly seeing your favorite granola bars on the shelf. Josh sped away, looking for the cookie aisle so he could drown his sorrows with a box of Oreos and a glass of milk. It took him a while to stop seeing your face or things that reminded him of you. He was not about to go back down that road.

Thinking he was done, he started looking for an open register, forgoing the cookies. They would only make him take one step back into sadness. Josh nearly freaked when he saw you picking the perfect melon from the stack. He froze, looking for an escape route. While he would have dove into an aisle, he was blocked in. The line for the register was backed up and there was another woman behind him. The aisle next to him was also full, stockers having left their boxes there and blocking the area. He considered abandoning his cart, running from the store, and driving thirty minutes to the next ,lk;m,.l nearest market. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head when you walked around the display, giving him a better look of your body.

A bump.

Josh's brain tried to rationalize what it could mean. Maybe some weight gain and a tight shirt. But he knew you. Your body usually swelled in your face and thighs first, but now you were still the same Y/N, just with what he was certain is a baby bump.

Josh could feel his heart stop for a moment. His organ then began to pound in his ears as his breathing quickened. His mouth went dry as he was in shock. Finding a self-checkout that was open, he scanned his items, hurriedly leaving and practically running to his car. Checking his wallet, he realized that he left his change in the machine. Rather than going back, he pleaded the universe to give it to someone who really needed those forty dollars.

It was almost poetic that he saw you in almost the exact same way you first met. You asked him for his opinion on your melons. It was a very bold pickup line, one that Josh had never heard nor would he have used himself, but he appreciated it. While dragging his bags upstairs, he tried to think of who he could call. His brothers would take the logical route, telling him to meet with her and talk it out. That was not what he wanted to hear. Jake would just hang up on him, probably going to freak out on his own. Sam would tell him that he was overreacting over something that could possibly not be his. Josh then did the math, storing the frozen foods first.

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