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Knowing Josh was in show choir cracks me up. This was heavily inspired by the second season of Glee. I'm sure you can see the scene on YouTube. I'll put the link somewhere if I can find it. It isn't an exact recreation, but what I would change. Josh and Y/N play Sam and Quinn.

word count: ~2317, I went back to edit some stuff

The national championship competition was in full swing. There were teams from all over the country. You had made it to the final round. Fifty teams, the champions from each respective state, were competing for one week. Five days, ten teams a day. On day six, the five first place finishers would compete again. On the seventh day, the top three teams would compete again for first, second, and third place. The first-place winners would win to be guest judges the following year and chances to exclusive scholarships to their colleges of choice.

Somehow, your team made it to day seven. Saturday morning entailed of an emergency meeting, deciding what songs would guarantee a win and who should lead. The theme was announced at the same time. You read the letter out to everyone. It was a classic wish of good luck from the judges, the theme on the bottom of the letter.

"Romance?" Josh asked, peering over your shoulder.

You gave him the letter, moving away from him. Josh was... fine as a dance partner. Your voices complimented each other, your dancing skills balancing each other out as well. You were graceful and light on your feet, thanks to about six years of on again off again dance lessons. It was never a serious passion of yours, but it was a plus. Josh danced like a newborn giraffe walking on a pond. He was stiff and did pretty good at walking in time, but when it came to anything more advanced than that, he had to be put in the back, hiding him from the audience.

The conversation turned back to the theme. Everyone looked through their lists of ideas. There was no way to come up with a brand-new song, choreography, and make it look good enough to win a national title in less than six hours. The rules for this portion of the competition were one song. One shot to make the judges believe you were truly the best in the nation.

After spending the night watching Dirty Dancing, the group decided on the iconic "I've Had The Time Of My Life", a number that was performed at an assembly in an attempt to recruit new members. The only thing it did inspire was more torment and bullying from the athletic teams. Everyone knew the choreography but the two who played the main people had graduated. Mr. Maker looked at the group, trying to figure out which pairing would be able to keep up.

"Y/N and Josh are the only seniors who haven't been featured."

You glared at Sylvia.

Mr. Maker clapped his hands. "Well, that settles that. Y/N and Josh are our front people for this duet."

Josh smiled, excited to be back on stage. He loved and craved the attention. The way his mind worked amazed you. He could be focused one second and completely off the rails in a matter of minutes. In dancing, for example, he could be in time with the music, his body moving just how it was supposed to. And in the next moment, he could be stumbling over his feet and letting you fall to the ground when he was supposed to catch you or grab your arm to help you keep your balance. You know because he's let you fall more than once. The boy also struggled with staying serious. When you were nervous, you tended to close yourself off, sitting off to the side alone with your thoughts and fighting back the urge to throw up. Josh, on the other hand, took it as a moment to treat backstage like a jungle gym or an SNL stage. He constantly joked, climbing on furniture while doing vocal exercises and entertaining the crew. The boy was like a ball of sunshine. Often, the rest of the team would focus on him, forgetting the impending doom of a competition.

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