second times a charm-sfk

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Sam was completely taken away when he first saw her. He could have sworn he fell in love in an instant, watching how she walked through the bar like she owned it. Turns out, she did. She also owned the apartment upstairs. Paired with the drinks they'd shared at the bar, it was the perfect equation, resulting in pregnancy.

They tried to work it out at first. For the six months after she called him, Sam put his career on hold, trying to prepare himself to be a father. He was stressed. He'd felt like he was ditching his three brothers by leaving them to work on the album alone. They assured their younger brother that he had to focus on his family life for a while. The once mysterious woman became too close for comfort. They spent many nights talking it through. They decided on a plan, a name and expressed both of their desires. They both wanted to raise Henry as co-parents. They didn't have to be a couple, but they decided to live together. Things were well until she dropped the bomb on him. She wanted Sam to quit the band, find a 'normal', socially acceptable job, and focus on being a family man. He could handle fatherhood and he could handle domestic life, but the idea of quitting music was off the table, in fact, it was never in the room.

The disagreement sparked multiple fights until the day the stork delivered the bundle of joy. Despite disliking the mother of his child, he loved the little boy with all his heart. They split up soon after and she didn't argue when he said he would look after baby Henry. She no longer had the desire to be a mother. She'd struggled to bond with him. He was a fussy child, refusing to latch when he was hungry and cried when someone else besides Sam held him. Postpartum depression hadn't hit her, but she now no longer had a want or need for children. So, she signed away her parental rights, the letter notarized by an official right there in the hallway of the hospital and tucked with her discharge papers.

It was fun for the first thirty minutes of having an official tour baby, then he got hungry and whiny. Henry's mother had simply ghosted the two of them, but she sent a child support check to his bank account every month. While he thought he knew what a sleepless night was, one caused by a newborn was completely different. It felt like overnight he'd gone from a party animal to becoming his parents. He'd catch himself scolding his brothers when they came home drunk, already fixing hangover cures that they could pull from the fridge in the morning.

The bond between Henry and Sam was a strong one. They shared many things in common like a love for music and television. The two spent every hour together for the first two years of his life. He sat in the wings, watching the shows from the side. Sam tried not to rely on his brothers to babysit. This was his son and he was going to raise him. It also scared him to think of leaving his son for long periods of time. He didn't even want to think of Henry having to stay in his hometown with the elder generation of Kiszkas so he could have proper schooling that wasn't inside of a bus.

When Henry turned three, Danny was concerned. His godson's terrible twos had passed and Sam no longer had much of a social circle outside of Henry, his brothers, and the mommy and me classes he'd joined for support. So he did was any sensible friend from a sitcom would do and set him up on a blind date.

Sam was terrified to go on a date for multiple reasons. His surface reason was leaving Henry for the night. That was actually the least of his worries. The last time he went on a semi-date, he ended up with a son. He hadn't been on one in almost four years.

Josh held his nephew. "Tell dad that he'll be okay and that he can relax, you're with uncle Josh, right?"

Henry repeated his uncle as best as he could with the pacifier in his mouth.

"And you remember the advice we'd given you?" Jake asked, walking around the counter with a massive plate of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets.

Sam regurgitated the advice they'd dropped on him. Danny was unsure how this friend felt about kids. He'd also read that many parents avoided telling people about their kids on the first date. He then pulled the condom from the inside chest pocket of his coat. "And if things go well, I use this."

"Good," Josh nodded. "Now go get 'em, tiger."

Sam arrived at the restaurant about fifteen minutes early. Ten minutes later, the hostess walked his date to the table. He stood up, greeting her with a handshake and pulling the chair out for her to sit in. She graciously thanked him and asked him to sit down again. The conversation was going well, drifting back and forth from careers to how they both knew Danny and to their personal lives.

"My son, Henry, is so funny. He does this thing where he-" Sam caught himself. He'd already gone against the one piece of advice he'd been given.

"You have a son?" She asked, wiping her lips with her napkin.

Sam swallowed thickly. "I do. I hope that's not a problem."

She shook her head. "Of course not! I'm not going to push as your son should come first." He appreciated that, and made sure that she knew it. "You can keep talking about him if you'd like. I would love to hear about him."

In that moment, Sam knew that he'd caught a good one this time.

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