Chapter Two

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I was staring blankly the whole time I can't forget what that brat said to me.

"Hey got a problem?" Pao asked.

I just ignore him my eyes widened when Mew entered the classroom the whole class got quiet.

"Mr. Suppasit." The teacher called him.

I keep staring at him and Jimmy notices it so he comes closer to me secretly.

"Hey, wanna punch him?" He asked.

Seriously, I don't understand why does everybody wants him to be bullied.

"I told you it's not like that," I whispered.

We stop talking when the teacher called my name he was frowning while crossing his arms.


"To the office." After the teacher said I went to the office.

I saw mew suppasit talking to the office admin but I interrupt their conversation.

"Come here." The admin said I saw Mew not looking at me but j just smiled at him even his not looking.

"We want to talk about the school's big project and the representative was you two." Our eyes widened and he acted more than me.

"But sir I have a meeting this weekend and you know how busy I am--

He didn't continue what he wanted to say cuz the admin stopped him for me I don't have a problem with that it's okay to be his partner.

It's not like that I like him I just wanted to know him and what's the problem about him why he hates me I just only met him once.

"Mr. Kanawut, do you have a problem?" The admin teacher asked me I just shook my head and smirked at him, he's now glaring bad at me.

"Well, this meeting is good you go now."

I was the first out of the admin office and he follow me he was saying something but I pretend that I don't hear him and continued walking he stopped me.

"What the hell is happening?" He asks while frowning but I have to calm myself it's not the right time to talk back at him.

"Well, I don't know," I said calmly and continued to walk.

"I know you know about this? What do you want?" He said while me thinking what I'm going to say next.

I turned around and he saw me smiling I saw his eyes like he wanted to kill me.

"First of all, I don't know what you talking about, and second why do you hate me?" He widened his eyes like seeing a ghost, I saw his eyes roll and walk away.

There was something that I don't understand I asked him why he hate me but he didn't tell me the reason, maybe there was something.

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